Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Hello from Auckland New Zealand fellow ABB community
Just looking through the layout here in CC & clicked on someone else Listing & spotted that the Layout Background in them have changed to a white background which is great from a visual aspect, however, and there's always one of those,.. the actual photographs themselves seem to have reduced in size which is a concern as well all like to be able to see a decent sized of places to stay & see.
Thoughts my fellow friends?
@Airbnb @Lizzie @Stephanie @Quincy any chance of the photographs bringing this to the attention of IT department so they are a bit larger with less white background?
Thanks in advance
All the best
Central To All Home & Location - Auckland also is home to Cows, calves, sheep & lambs who have the greatest views!
Also many hosts finding several of their pics deleted...
Some of mine when I went to update & edit captions wouldn't let me add words & said I had too many despite the fact they were shorter.
I wonder if that's an indication of less letters in future?
Taking into account the multitude of resurfaced long-term glitches that have been plaguing user accounts in recent weeks @Helen427 - and the scale of affected users - I'd imagine it's probably something to do with Airbnb updating the platform with all the new Airbnb Adventures and Airbnb Luxe content. (I'm not a techie type though, so I'm just guessing!)
One thing's for sure though, the entire system seems to be buckling under the strain of whatever's going on.
Fascinating that they can endlessly pile one thing on top of another, and add new initiative after new initiative to the system - but they still can't (won't) separate and clearly delineate the listings of small individual hosts from large commercial operators on the platform. This will be the death of small hosts - already is, in many markets - and we need to start opening our eyes to how it will soon affect every last one of us.
#AirbnbHome #AirbnbPro
I thought I'd check and see what new havock Airbnb has wrought today.
Went to Listings and... Nothing! None of my listing are even there!
Clicked the button. Still nothing.
Seriously people stop messing in our stuff! This is getting so very frustrating!!
Everything is back to normal again. As near as I can tell no changes to my photos.
You'll probably be the lucky last in Brazil to get your IT systems updated!
New Zealand & Australia have always for some reason been a trialling ground for some very strange decision making practices.
The removal of cash as a means of barter has raised it's head again here in New Zealand recently.
We lost the right to sign our credit card transcation years ago which is silly, then it became pin numbers & currently push to all to use Pay Wave which is simply making it to easy for online hackers etc and harder to detect & locate offenders for enforcement authorities at least with cash & signature only you know who has used it or where you may have had it last.
So short sighted.
Wow, @Beth80! I'm glad they are back again, where they gone for long? Was it like this on more than one browser?
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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@Lizzie it was my phone and tablet. Both use the app. But I very rarely use a computer.
@Stephanie @Quincy
Changes in layout again today - I quite like this version as it shows the information associated with the photographs easier on Laptop, however IT team must check to see what info is able to be seen on standard compact mobile phones & adapt versions accordingly - Most importantly to make our Listings accesible on servers other than Chrome & Firefox e.g on Microsoft devices - Come on Bill GATES , sort your end of the deal out to please! Partnerships must learn to communicate better worldwide for the betterment of all people in the world.
This Heritage Images photograph is the one I had a few challenges to edit the caption with & said I had 90 letters to long, yet there was plenty of letters still available!
I assume it was another IT glitch, maybe in transfer of data.
Chrome laptop version - 29 June 2019
Thanks in advance
Hi @Helen427 I noticed the pics had chamged yesterday when I was looking through the reviews of all of my listings as another CC poster had pointed out that reviews had positive sections appear in bold!
Who knows how long any of these changes will hang around for
Paul 🙂
As a photographer and ex-web designer, I am VERY disappointed about the white background, it is so lame and pale 😞
The black background is so much better and makes the photo and colors pop.
I still have the old layout on a black background.
One thing with a lighter coloured background is it makes it much easler for those who are visually challenged & differently enabled - I'm personally pleased & so are those who I know who face those challenges in life.
Sometimes we have to open our minds to how the people who are in different situations like that view things, just like those who live with dyslexia, deafness etc.
All the best
When will Airbnb stop messing up our listings with these endless (and often completely unnecessary) changes? Enough already!