Mental Wellness -Looking after those who are on their own

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Mental Wellness -Looking after those who are on their own

Hi folks in ABB CC.


Whilst not an Airbnb related incident..this sad situation is one that we all need to think seriously about in the world and how we would feel if it happened to a family member or friend.


We here in New Zealand have had a tragically sad case of a young 19 year old boy who was found dead in a Halls of Residence in Christchurch.

It's understood he was living away from family and his natural mother passed away around 5 years


May we all stop and think of the fact we all have a Duty of Care to one another in life.


Thoughts go out to all folk in the world especially those who may live alone, or be on their own and reach out and say Hello to one another, ask how a person is and be friendly as one has no idea what another person may be going through in life.


How can you be that negligent--student criticises lack of pastoral care

3 Replies 3
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Helen427 it is an important message.

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland

Saw that story, @Helen427 - terribly sad. Hard to comprehend how something like that could possibly happen. Poor boy. At least he's with his mam now. 


"May we all stop and think of the fact we all have a Duty of Care to one another in life"

Never a truer word spoken. Sadly, it's all about looking after Number 1 for most people these days. The Cult of Self has destroyed us as a society, and as a species. 


Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Susan17 @Mike-And-Helen0 

It's hard to comprehend how this happened either.

It could and has happened in Halls of Residence before, as it can anywhere.


We subsequently had a tragic death of a young lady in Dunedin as The Manor university accommodation where they were having a final party before it went back into uni hands for other purposes.


It would be fitting to have a tribute photograph displayed in these places in prominent place in memory of these people or plant some flowers.