NO customer service phone numbers on AirBnB site

NO customer service phone numbers on AirBnB site

PLEASE join me in contacting AirBnB asking that they post their customer service number boldly in a couple of places so that we don't lose potential members and bookings.


I personally do not do business with a site that does not include their contact number since I can't trust that it is a legitimate site. AirBnB does not include their customer service phone number on the site, not even for potential members trying to get verified or guests trying to book. They simply offer the help center online which only adds to time wasted and frustration for most people and they go somewhere else.


A potential member could not get id verified and had so much trouble she said they would just have to stay in a hotel instead so as a host I will lose her reservation and AirBnB will lose her membership. I messaged her the number and AirBnB automatically hid it from her. She is so frustrated and was already hesitant to try out AirBnB so she will go back to simply calling a hotel for a reservation.

11 Replies 11
Level 1
Brighton, United Kingdom

I totally agree. Airbnb have had a lot of bad press recently,so surely this is a must. You have to hunt for everything to do with customer service.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Paul-And-Darlene0 and @Wendy107  The contact issue for Air BNB is the most posted issue on this forum.  A good place to add your thoughts is in the Host Voice.  Add your comments to existing discussion threads as popular topics are picked up by the Air BNB tech team.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

You know that the guest had to complete verified ID because you said you only wanted to host verified guests?

The process itself is very simple. If your guest can't work it out, and can't find the number on the website then google brings up the information really quickly.

For all the criticism chucked at Airbnb I really despair when people can't handle a basic search using a search engine. Yes the could make the number more prominent but how hard is it to find the solution ? Not in the slightest bit difficult ...

must be a UK thing, don't put contact on your site just go fishing

Level 10
Como, CO

It does not take much effort to find their number, but I agree online booking is not for everybody.

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

How do you delete an account from airbastards

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I don't know - who is 'Airbastards' 🙂 


If you mean this site use the search function here on the forums - it's been asked and answered a fair few times already or use their help function on the website.

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

I was putting my room on Airbnb website - and they kept changing the orders of my photos - and rewording my description - and then asked I verify myself with passport details etc but then I read on airbnbhell loads of horror stories and what a nightmare company they are - and although I haven't finished   I would now like to delete but seem unable to do so! Heeeelp!

@JoMarie1  If I am understanding you correctly, you wish to cancel your account.  Right?  Here the information as found in the Help Center.

Your listing isn't showing @JoMarie1 so I guess you've figured it out but if your research taught you that there are more horror stories than positive ones then your research must've been badly done or simply selective.


Yes there are some terrible stories out there but the vast majority are positive. Not saying ABB couldn't be better but they're hardly the "bastards" your paint them to be.

@Paul-And-Darlene0    Many have asked for the Contact Information to be posted front and center on the site - nothing to date!

This is the list of all phone numbers, it's a post created by a host,  Contact Airbnb   I agree it's not easy to find if you approach Airbnb as a user-friendly site with good navigation - it is not!   I always use a search engine like Bing, Yahoo  or Google to find stuff on Airbnb it's far easier.