No payment

Level 2
Tasmania, Australia

No payment

Hi everyone,


I am relatievly new at hosting and have had four guests stay with me so far. Three of these booking have already been paid out to me, having received an email notifying me of my pending payment affter the first night of a guests stay. The payment then arrives into my bank account on the third day. 


However, for my fourth guest, I did not receive an email and my transaction history does not show that I should expect payment anytime soon. It is now the third day of the guests stay. 


Any suggestions? Do I just need to be patient and wait a couple more days?





2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


No, this is unusual Zoe. Payments are automatically generated, they are not subject to manual intervention. If you have received payments in the past you know the system is working correctly.

How close to the hosting did the booking request come? Was it within a week?

Sometimes (particularly where Instant Book is involved) events get ahead of the systems ability to keep up. There may have been a problem with the guests verification. Did you receive any notification from ABB suggesting that the reservation was subject to payment confirmation?

If there were no issues with the booking and your received reservation confirmation prior to the guest arriving, get onto Airbnb on 02 8520 3333. You will find them quick and effective! If it puts your mind at rest, in 37 ABB hostings I have never had a payment that did not arrive on time and for the correct amount. It is generally very reliable!

Good luck with it Zoe


Level 2
Tasmania, Australia

Thanks for your response, Rob!


No, the booking was made weeks in advance and I received nothing from Airbnb about payment confirmation... I am rather confused! Good to know this is not normal and that I should start trying to get my money! 


Many thanks again.

