I just had someone message me (new to airbnb), requesting a 2 night stay for 4 people - I require an additional fee for extra people but she only listed her request as having 1 guest even though her message said 4. How should I go about that without losing the booking? Do I decline her request and tell her to request again with 4 people? Can I manually change it? Or tell her to book and then update her number of guests?? But what if she didn't update it? I wasn't sure what to do. Any suggestions would help! Thank you 🙂
You need to point out to your guest that the request is for one person only and that she would need to cancel her request and start agian with the correct number of persons.
Ok cool, thanks. I declined her request and asked her to rebook - I didn't want to wait for her to cancel and then ruin my response time. I just wasn't sure if there was an easier way to modify a request - unfortunately, it sounds like there's not.
Declining requests can affect you negatively. Always reply to the guest and say "hey, I noticed your booking is for 1 but on the message you mentioned you are 4 people." They just need to modify their request to the correct number.