Partial refund pending rebooking?

Partial refund pending rebooking?

Our current guest is unhappy with our space, and wants to leave in the middle of her one-week reservation, and be refunded for the remaining days. All things considered, we'd be willing to issue the refund *if* we can rebook the space for the remaning days (and only for the amount we receive for the rebooking). 


Is there a built-in-to-the-system way to do this? In other words, accept the reservation modification, but give the refund only if we subsequently rebook?  


Or does one of us have to do it on faith -- i.e., either we accept the modification and refund, then try to seek her out privately to pay more if we don't rebook; or she modifies the dates without the refund, and trusts that we will pay her privately if we do rebook?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Kiawah Island, SC

This one could be tricky. If you accept the modification I think she gets an automatic refund for the time remaining. Good luck trying to get her to pay you back later. I think you have to tell her to cancel the rest of her stay. Depending on your policy you get paid and you are in the driver's seat. Call customer service or DM @AirbnbHelp on twitter to be sure about how this works.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Nic-And-Kristen0, unless there is something not as described in your listing, you will have to refund as to whatever policy you have in effect.

But! You can offer to refund the rest should you get booking to cover, but this can only be done at the end of her assumed stay as only then will you know if you covered it or not. Then you can just give her the refund through the resolution centre.