Problem with star ratings

Level 3
Copenhagen, Denmark

Problem with star ratings

What if the guest left positive comments but only left 3 stars that means your place looks bad? Even one person who leave 3 or less stars will pull down the average. I think the stars need to go from 1-10 to make it more nuanced and fair. With 5 stars the gap is too large and your percentage drop will hurt a lot.


I had one guest who gave me 3 and 4 stars even they wrote a very positive review. They said the 3 stars was a misake but as a principle they never give max stars which means even my place is perfect i will only get 80%. If we had 10 stars I would have gotten 90%. Or even better let people give from 0-100%.


I hosted a lot of people but if this star rating make my bookings go down or reduce my earnings then I am going to delist my 2 properties.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Claus0 Some guests are just like that and there's nothing you can do except ask specifically why they gave you such a mediocre review.  Maybe they can give you some specifics on what they would have liked to have had that would have gotten you a 5 star review.  Early on I got a 3 for cleanliness which was a shock to me since I'm pretty fastidious.  The reason was that the guest felt that the patio area needed a good sweeping.  He was right and I've since paid more attention to that area.  Haven't had a problem since. 

Level 1
Plattsburgh, NY