Removing my listing

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Removing my listing


I am selling my cottage and so need to cancel a number of bookings and remove the listing. What is the best way to do this?



3 Replies 3
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

In the Help Center articles I found the information below, @Jim305.  You can find more information if you need by using search terms to find appropriate details.

Permanently deactivate your listing

To permanently deactivate your listing:

  1. Go to your listing on and select a listing
  2. Click Manage listing
  3. Under Listing status, click Deactivate listing
  4. Follow the instructions to deactivate your listing

You won't be able to permanently deactivate your listing if you have any upcoming reservations or reservation requests. Past reviews of your listing will remain on your public profile—they cannot be removed.


Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Thanks but I have 9 bookings and don't want to have to pay a penalty for cancelling each one. Any idea how I tackle this? Thanks


Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

I don't think we have any way round this @Jim305 

You're disrupting 9 holidays, just be greatful its not on which could cost you a lot lot more.

Oh, you could get your partner to clout you over the head with a frying pan and cancel under extenuating circumstances.