Review is not prompted for

Level 2
Seattle, WA

Review is not prompted for

Usually, I am prompted for a review the very second that the guests have left. Nothing has shown up, several hours later. How do I fix this? (Since the guests trashed the linens, I'm most eager to submit a review.)

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Dallas, TX

Hey Anita!  Fellow host in Dallas that lived in Seattle for many years, myself.


That is rough, sorry to hear about that.  Icky feeling having a listing disrespected like that.  There may be some problem with their booking - maybe Airbnb is having trouble collecting payment from them, which could put a freeze on either party submitting reviews.


Whatever the issue, I tend to think it is best to strike first/as quickly as possible on these.  If you aren't prompted for a review in the morning, consider getting in touch with Airbnb about it on Twitter by DMing them at @AirbnbHelp.