Search Engine / Algorithms and referencing

Search Engine / Algorithms and referencing

I am new to AirBnB and I am depending on it for my little cabin business in the Dominican Republic.  It is hard to believe with all the sophistication of the AirBnB website that it lacks simple, common-sense search functions.  I can't find my own listing half the time.  


Why can't a visitor enter a headline, key word, listing number and get right to a listing.  I am advertising in a number of classifieds on the island and none of them will accept a link.  My plan was to send prospects directly to AirBnB to make a reservation.  Good for me.... Good for AirBnB.  I've seen a number of threads discussing but AIrBnB seems not interested.... Not sure why.

Also, I'm curious how I could have 238 views in the first 30 days and now I am getting 0 views.  Did the world end?  Given that I can't even find my own listing, I am not surprised.  Is it algorithms that are burying my listing??

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Scott-and-Virginia0,


Unfortunately Airbnb supports only geographic location names in the search box.


Yours is an instant book listing and it looks like you have "Government ID" or "Recommendations from other hosts" set as a requirement as I can find it only when logged in.

So, even when searching for your own listing you must be logged in to find it.

That's because Airbnb has no way of knowing if a searcher who's not logged in has those requirements.


Do you mean that the classifieds won't take a cllickable link? Will they take the link text so that people could at least copy it to their browser? You may know it already, but just in case, the link to your listing is

I'm not sure what could the reason for the fall in the view statistics could be.


