Sending email notifications to a second email

Level 2
Portland, OR

Sending email notifications to a second email

I would like to send emails for notifications from guest reservations (inquiries, confirmations, cancellations, etc) to a second email address. Is there a way to do this?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

At the moment you can only add a second e-mail account if you are a business traveller.


However if you have a google account then you can link this account and it will automatically add you google e-mail address, i.e. I provided my yahoo mail and linked my goggle account so I get messages to both mail accounts; this also counts towards your verification. Follow the path below -


  • Profile(hover over the dropdown menu)
  • Edit profile
  • Trust and Verification
  • Google - connect


Hope this helps.



Depending on your email provider you can use rules to forward. E.g. You can set up a rule that will forward the Airbnb emails to an alternate email. This is easy in GMail

I use a rule to label all messages from these community forums and have them skip my inbox so they dont clutter my mail but I can still go through them when I want.

Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ