Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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So I had a guest book last minute for 1 night last week. ASs I always do I messaged to ask what time they would be arriving so I could ensure I was aroudn for check in.
To say the guest was evasive about what time they planned to arrive would be an understatment, they finally said "i'll be on the last train or maybe later after midnight if I go to the party"
I went back politely and said midnight was cut off check in, if this didn't suit I would I be happy to offer a full refund so he agreed then messages back and forth all day about changing the time but we agreed on 10.30. Then he asked about directions saying he knew it wasn't far from the train station, which it isn't but there are several tube & main line stations close by so was trying to find out which one he planned on travelling to so I could give him the right directions, he declined ot answer me then he said he would use his phone to find my place.
Then he messaged me at 2pm to say could he check in now, unfortunatly I was at my day job and couldn't accomodate this (if he had said this in the first place I could have arranged for him to collect the key). Anyway he arrived at 10 pm slightly drunk but went to bed and was no problem then left in the morning.
Then left this review
"Nice lady, not exactly like the model on the picture, but sensual, good-looking, a little bit lonely, brit character lady, so u can't expect a lot of acting of politeness, so go in... the fire, and hope for a good.. weather"
Wtf ?? My profile picture is a few years old not that I understand what difference it makes since this is Airbnb not tinder ?? Not sure if I find his comments annoying or offensive ?
@Ana1136 That's unreal! She wants you to go buy new furniture to suit her color preference? That has got to be THE most entitled request I've ever read. Altho it probably wasn't even a request, it was probably a demand she expected to have accommodated.
@Sarah977 it gets better, today I got a request to buy a baby crib (which by the way here is around 300€ at least) so that they have where to put their 2 year old safely. We never once said we offer baby cribs, I don't know how people would just assume that they get to ask for thing for 30€ per night. And why even book a place that doesn't have everything you need to start with. I would be ashamed to ask for extra coffee let alone a baby crib or new furniture.
@Robin4 what bizzare questions! And what happens if the guest doesn't like the make of the TV, microwave & aircon, do they expect you to replace them with ones to their liking? You definitely dodged a bullet declining the pre-approval.
@Rachel177 Rachel, I would never get far enough into the booking process with a request like that to find out!
Dodged a bullet......the gun wasn't even in my neighbourhood you can be assured of that!
You have seen my past stance on requests like that!
@Robin4 I've seen your past stance on those type of requests. I just don't get what goes through people's minds when they send questions like that, or in fact why they care about the make of a TV...
@Scotia0 Yes, becoming like any other booking site..... I for one would like to preserve the old style, mutual respect, give & take, "good fit"..... especially for us that host in our spare rooms, in our OWN home, where we should not be dictated to! (Tho' I'm happy to be accommodating, & try & help with reasonable requests.)
Someone on here once used the phrase that we hosts "when we open the door to a guest, should expect to see a gracious friend, not an entitled customer!" I like that!
No mercifully, the review has been removed overnight Kath, no evidence of it there on Scotia's profile this morning.
Why on earth do they even hesitate when a review like that pops up, it obviously was generated around the hosts appearance and manner and did not address the listing or the stay.
I did have to laugh when that pre-approval request came in though Kath. I was almost tempted to pre-approve and say .....
"In answer to your questions,
1/......I think the microwave came from the Salvo op-shop, it's name says something like 'Rising Moon' but I can't read the language and Google translate was not a lot of help!
2/.....The air conditioiner is a beauty though. I was an air conditioning contractor when I was working and I pulled this one out of the local fish and chip/takeaway shop 15 years ago, it sat up in the potting shed until I started Airbnbing and once dusted off has been adequate since. It is probably on borrowed time now being about 38 years old but it is a fine old American mame (Stromberg Carlson), still hanging in there and doing an excellent job!
3/.......The TV, I don't know. The name badge fell off it about 8 years go when my daughter had a fit and threw a shoe at it....incidentally the remote doesn't work either but it's only a few steps from the bed to the TV.
4/......The washing machine in the guest cottage is only shared with the house in so much as we wash Betts, the dog's blankets in it and any of those other things that get a bit too soiled to put through our own personal washing machine. And yes detergent is supplied in powder form in a tub. I will make sure to provide a gemmy bar to lever a bit away from the rather stubborn detergent block for use in the machine!"
Kath, I would love to have sent something like that back but there is a limit to how much fun I want to have with some of these characters!
@Scotia0 @Helen350 @Sarah977 @Kelly149 @Moira21 @Emilia42 @Ana1136
@Robin4 I was thinking along the same lines! (But couldn't be bothered to compose!) 😄
@Helen350 Yeah, but it would have been fun Helen!
You will understand if you have seen any of my posts on this guest message thing, I have a really strict protocol....I don't give credence to guests questions, they either want to stay or they want to jerk me around. I instantly declined that pre-approval request, but, after I did it I felt like I had maybe duded myself. The request was so over the top blatant that it deserved an over the top blatant response.....and I let the opportunity pass me by and I am kicking myself now. It would have been worth my while spending an hour composing a completely outrageous response.
Never mind, an opportunity has gone begging, not the first in my life and probably won't be the last.
guest profile reported... eww
I male guest-to-be who cancelled at the last minute and was demanding a full refund told me that I cannot act like this even if I am this good looking (we never met). He was a college student, maybe a year older than my daughter. That was NOT a complement. I was so grossed out.