Anyone else find it hard to frame your photos correctly to cover all aspect ratios/cropping a listing might be viewed under depending on the browser device?
To explain. I find this frustrating and probably need more stats on which devices/browsers people are viewing my listing through, but in short Airbnb recommends you upload photos in landscape because they "look best" that way. However the way everything else is going these days, a la Facebook, Snapchat etc, the whole world is starting to be viewed in portrait as most people use a phone. When I view my listing's front page on desktop, Airbnb crops the main photo to this really skinny panorama photo which cuts off stuff. Viewing the listing's front page in the mobile app shows the whole 4:3 image uncropped, but in mobile web it shows a cropped square image until you go to the full gallery. Then, of course on desktop, opening the full gallery shows photos in full, but on a phone landscape photos waste screen space if viewing in portrait.
So what kind of annoys me is that it depends how a user came to my listing whether my photo is framed well, and I have to be creative in framing it to cover all bases! What does everyone else do?
Maybe the most important image is in the search results, or maybe you just rely on that users turn their phone around as they've become used to this new world of differing screen aspect ratios?
{P.S... Another bugbear while I'm on the subject of the photo gallery - whoever's idea it was to make the photo caption text white, this is terrible!! It's almost always unreadable against your house furnishings.}