What is basic temperature inside the house you provide your guests with in a winter time?

Level 10
Kyiv, Ukraine

What is basic temperature inside the house you provide your guests with in a winter time?

Some of my guests who are coming from southern countries are requesting it to be:

+26C = 78,8 °F


The basic temperature that central governmental heating provides in 2018-2019  here in Ukraine (Eastern Europe) in the center of the capital inside 150 years old houses with high 4 metres (13 feet) ceilings is:

+18C = 64,4 °F


That's what included into the price. And I ask guests to use additional electric heater which is inside the room only in case if they stay inside the apartment, so there would not be over use of electricity. And some guests say I am rude asking for this.


Although I recently had a guest from England, who told me he is renting a house with friends in England. The basic temperature landlord gives them is 

+12C = 53,6 °F

And if they want +18C = 64,4 °F, the Landlord asks for additional 150 pounds a month per each single person on a monthly rent basis.


6 Replies 6
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


20 C or 21 C is common in my country. 26 C i consider as extreme hight, but 18 C as uncomfortable.

Guests from Eastern countries like China mostly want high tempertures and at the same time do no wear some clothing belonging to the winter-season. Or they heat the room and at same time put windows open ! I adjust heating to 22C max. , mention the clothing//windows and give them extra blanket for the night, then most of the time they are happy ! Also be prepared for heavy use of bathroom and washingmachine (as this is my experience....), so make some clear rules  about this and explain it also on arrival.


Best regards,


Doesnt help. Only charging extras and saying that electricity is expensive helps.

I do not have heavy use of bathroom. Water boiler gives only 30-40 minutes hot water shower plus I reduced the pressure inside the water boiler. Means, not too much pleasure to stay there forever. The flow of the water is not very strong but ok. So, you can wash yourself, but it's not like staying under waterfall in meditation. As for washing machine, I take only 1 guest and ask to use short 20 min washing program on 40C. Enough for travellers.

Level 10
Orono, ME

I set the heat in my house to 58 degrees Fahrenheit. When guests come it fluctuates between 64 - 67 degrees depending on the time of day.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


It will be different for each country Olga! Some countires have cheap electricity and the host will not be so concerned about things like shower time and heat settings. Other countries have expensive electricity and the hosts flexibility with these things will be a lot more limited.


Here on my property we produce all our electricity by solar and wind turbine with battery storage. So I do not care how much electricity a guest uses....if they want to be 26c in the cottage when the temperature outside is 12c, that is fine I don't care it is not coming out of my pocket. I don't mind if they actually use it for their comfort.

What I dislike though,  guests will come into my listing on a 10c winter afternoon and the cottage is heated to 22c. They will say how lovely and warm the temperature is, put down their bags and go out for the afternoon and evening, but not before winding the thermostat up to 30c so they will have a nice hot place to come back to. That is just wasting a resourse and whether it is costing me or not, I think that is inconsiderate! 



True. Hate it too. They do the same with my conditioners in the summer. Put minimum temperature to freeze and go for a night out to come back to a chilly apartment. I walk into the room. Cut that all and then if trouble  stick them the paper they signed with the rules of the house at their face. They put me 4 stars out of 5.