What Hosts are saying

    I have decided to pilot offering breakfast at one of my places to see if it boost my booking rate. While doing my research, I came across a number of properties that had the breakfast amenity box checked but no mentioning of breakfast in the description o... Latest reply by Huma0
    I'm currently hosting an American born Vietnamese for 11 days. He's occupying the guest room in my two bedrooms apartment. He's been here since Tuesday. Since the minute he stepped foot into my apartment, he wouldn't stop talking to me for 5 hours. In bet... Latest reply by Janet501
    I've noticed that a few of my listings have the message 'Unavilable, due to linked listings' yet my listings aren't linked to any other listing or Property Management System. Has anyone else experienced this and any tips on how to resolve this?
    I’m wondering the community’s feeling on this. A very sweet guest broke my coffee maker and offered to replace it. Is it appropriate to accept? Or would a considerate host consider that to be expected on occasion? Latest reply by Susan17
    Hey Atlanta hosts - do you guys have any recomended plumbers? I'd like to have one on-call in case an emergency happens while I've got a guest. Also, I'm considering switching to a managment company. What criteria should I evaluate them on? I assume they'... Latest reply by Sarah1866
    Yesterday I went to my Dashboard and found "Tips to help you get booked" at the top. This took up a lot of real estate and I had to scroll down a ways to get to my requests and reservations. I went straight to Airbnb Feedback and noted that I need to see...
    So I host senior couples, whichi may be in their 70s. They are complain there is no bible in apartment....and also, they complain there are only 4 dish sets. Which is incovinence in someway. Isn't 4 dish sets enough for 2 people? I only have 4 dish sets ... Latest reply by Robin4