bloking out dates either side of a booking, what if i only want to block one side?

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

bloking out dates either side of a booking, what if i only want to block one side?

In Reservation preferences i have the option to either not block out dates either side of a booking, block 1 day either side of a booking or two days either side of the booking. Is there an option to block just 1 day before the booking only? Presently if i get a back to back booking i have 24hrs to clean up and 24 hours then to prepare (48 hours) but what if i only want a total of 24 hours? because i except single night bookings i can only get 2 nights booked in 6 days. day 1 prep, day 2 stay, day 3 clean, day 4 prep, day 5 stay, day 6 clean. but if i could just get one day eg day 1 prep, day 2 stay, day 3 prep, day 4 stay, day 5 prep, day 6 stay. this could give me 50 approx bookings per year.

Can anyone help, but no suggestions to manualy do it please 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @David3606 ,


Unless they've changed it recently it's my experience that the "block one day before and after" setting counts the day after as overlapping the day before as it has, for me, done the following:

day 1 prep, day 2 stay, day 3 prep, day 4 stay, day 5 prep, day 6 stay


You can check it by selecting that setting and then searching for your listing on the website. You should be able to go to the calendar having found your listing and select a checkin date that's two days after an existing checkout date. If you currently have a guest checking in on the 14th and checking out on the 15th you should be able to select a checkin date of the 17th and should also be able to select a checkout date of the 13th provided, of course, that there are several available dates each side of your existing booking.


If they have changed it so that the above doesn't work a "block one day before each stay" setting wouldn't help either.

Say there were such a setting and you chose to block one day before each stay.

Also say that the nights of the 10th to the 17th of some month are available.

Someone could book the night of the 15th so this would block the 14th and the 15th and someone could later book the night of the 16th leaving you no preparation day for that booking which, presumably, you don't want to happen as you chose the "block one night before each checkout" setting.


An equivalent situation can arise if there were a "block one night after each stay" setting and you selected it.

Someone could book the 15th, blocking the 15th and the 16th. Then someone could later book the 14th leaving you no preparation day for the booking on the 15th.




So along the same lines- I want to block same day booking/checkout overlap. ( Example: Guest checks out on Monday at 11am and another guest books to check in the same day at 3pm). But I am not seeing the option. I have it set that I have a two day notice on bookings (and a minimum of two day stays) but I get a lot of pre-bookings ( several weeks and months in advance).


I do not want to completely block a whole day before or after bookings just same day check out/check ins.
