host reports

Level 5
Healesville, Australia

host reports

So I got my monthly host report and one thing it said was to pay attention to the two negative reviews I received. It did not stipulate which reviews. I was surprised as to my knowledge, we had had no issues. Checked the reviews and all were 5 stars for the month except for 2, which were 4 stars. Are you kidding me? A 4 star review is now seen as negative? Talk about demotivating!
2 Replies 2
Level 2
Bellingham, WA

Monthly report seems to be worthless, as you can't see the reviews which were "low".  How are we to improve or respond to these "low" reviews?  Receiving a 4 star rating for one of the items in the review, is that really negative?  

How do you see the ratings by month?  I look under Stats and all I see is ratings for the entire time I've had our property listed.

Also, I received a total of 36 ratings.  For overall experience received 33 ratings of 5 star.  When I select other categories, only find 2 that are 4 stars.  Is overall experience a separate category?  

Also, I had these same 4 stars prior to my July report, but now they are saying I received 2 more Low ratings in July.  Can someone explain how this works or where to get information.

I'm not the expert on this but I think overall experience is a separate category. To work out the monthly reviews you have to track each review yourself as it comes in. I just try to keep a tally in my head of what categories got which stars and note if anything changes with each new review. I hear your frustration loud and clear.

The monthly report did the opposite of its intended purpose. I was so peeved about being told off for a 4 star review I just stopped checking the stats. I focus on guests ' Comments now and any constructive feedback. Ultimately, I can't change anything about location, I'm not budging on price, we have professional Airbnb photos and thorough descriptions of the listing and a marvellous cleaner. Unless someone has a clearly stipulated issue or helpful feedback over things I can change, reviews are kind of pointless for me right now. I didn't always feel this way but life is too short to worry about a guest not rating our private farm as 5 stars in every category . We've had guests complain it smelt too much like the country, that the third cutlery drawer was too crowded, that there wasn't a couch on the landing... these type of criticisms, together with Airbnb's ridiculous barometer were enough to make me stop stressing over the rating system