mini-rant about current guest

mini-rant about current guest

We have a single occupancy private guest room in our home and majority of our guests have been exchange students for an entire semester. We allow kitchen use and while there has been different levels of cleanliness, nothing we couldn't live with or tolerate for 4 months. But our current guest is really pushing us to the limit.... she does things that are considered a safety hazard even though we've asked and reminded her NOT to, and just simply disregards basic hygiene and common courtesy. 


All we ask of guests is to clean up after themselves after using the kitchen and respect the fact that shared spaces are SHARED. We don't mind if they cook meals like they would at home, as long as they clean up and do the dishes. We make it clear we are their hosts, and our job doesn't include cleaning up/picking up after their messes, so if they don't like kitchen cleanup, they can always get take out or eat out. Like many typical Korean homes, we don't have an oven or a dishwasher - this is clear in our listing description.


Our current guest has been with us for about 6 weeks now.... and is really driving me and Henry crazy.


She keeps storing her leftovers in the microwave (making the microwave stink) or leaves a plate of half-eaten food out in the open, on the kitchen counter.  

She puts metal or aluminum dishes/containers/cutlery in the microwave - we told her this could break it or even cause sparks and start a fire so DON'T! We've had to remind her 4 times already. We even once found a plate of chicken and rice leftovers with the knife and fork together IN the microwave which was presumably sitting in there for about 10 hrs. 

She never wipes any of the sauce drips or splatters from the counter tops or stove top. 

She never wipes the table after eating her meals - she leaves drips and crumbs from her meals as-is on the table. 

She never does her dishes promptly..... always piles up 2 or 3 days worth and does them all at once just about when Henry is on the verge of complaining that we are running out of clean dishes and pots and pans. - In week 3, we asked that dirty dishes are washed and cleared from the sink AT LEAST once a day since the kitchen is SHARED and that nothing should be left in there for longer than a day. It's gotten a little better. 

She leaves her personal stuff (mostly books and notes) all over the place - on the sofa, on the coffee table, in front of our front door, in the hallway, on the kitchen counter. 

She leaves used napkins/Kleenex laying around on the sofa, on the table, on the floor. 

She (used to) have really really loud and noisy conversations at the kitchen table or while in shared spaces. It happened once at midnight during week 2 so I told her to keep all phone conversations in her room and regardless of day or night and reminded her of quiet time. Overall noise level improved for a while then Henry had to remind her to be quiet again last week at 11pm.  

She leaves her laundry (that is dry) on the drying racks for days on end.... until we tell her we need to use the drying rack for our own laundry and to please clear her stuff. 

She uses generous HEAPINGS of the cooking oil and condiments we provide. 

She keeps asking us to print stuff out for her, even though we've explained very clearly the printer is for our personal use and not for guests. It's not a lot of pages, but it's clear she assumes she can just take advantage of our home printer. 

We paid for some things she needed to order online the first 2 weeks and she told us it would take another week or so to open a local bank account to make cash withdrawals without having to pay an exorbitant fee. It's pretty clear her account issues are resolved, but she keeps "forgetting" to pay us back every time we remind her - we've reminded her 3 times already. (She clearly has money..... she goes out to meet friends and seems to do a lot of shopping. She's just really dragging her feet about paying us back.) 

Overall, she's a slob and really lazy. She puts off doing stuff till the last minute then comes to Henry or me asking for help. 

She leaves half-eaten energy bars or bags of chips in the guest room, on the desk or a shelf. 

We make it clear we give guests 1 shelf each in the fridge and freezer. Right now, our guest has taken over 3 shelves in the fridge, 2 shelves in the freezer and the guest pantry shelf is chock full. 

Guest bath sink is totally disgusting - covered in soap scum, toothpaste globs and makeup residue. 


Henry has become afraid of letting the guest be home alone in our home - says the moment we let our guard down, she' probably start a fire in the kitchen or break something. Still 2.5 months till the semester ends and she checks out..... sigh~


It's like she hasn't been house trained..... at all. 

29 Replies 29
Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Jessica-and-Henry0  so you guys see we all think you are both great hosts... And we are your cheerleaders and back up with all our comments. And you are not being nitpicky when you ask and have basic living requirements of those staying in your place. You guys can fix this situation but you will probably have to pretend you are some of us...or all of us. I wish to have your patience but in this setting you are probably exhausting your own - it sounds like. You guys can do it! Till soon


I really appreciate everyone's comments and views - it helps to gain perspective 🙂 


I only put up with her on weekends so Henry is the saint. Plus, Henry says she behaves better when I'm home (=when we are both home). I doubt she'll ever reach a point where she could be considered  a *good* guest but we both hope she improves enough to be tolerable for the remainder of her booking. We will see.... and  for the meantime continue to have "talks" and give "reminders". 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jessica-and-Henry0  One thing you might point out to her during one of your talks, is that she won't be welcome to stay anywhere with that sort of behavior. That it's not just a matter of complying with what you and Henry expect, but that no hosts or future roommates would tolerate her inconsiderate ways and that unless she is planning on living at home with her parents for the rest of her life, it's time for her to grow up and pay attention.

If she wants to act like a little princess, then she should find an entire castle to rent with a full staff to follow her around picking up her messes.

You could always dump all her dirty dishes, her leftout leftovers, her used tissues and assorted other detritus in a big pile on her bed one day 🙂 I did that with the dirty dishes once when my oldest dughter "forgot" it was her turn on dishes and went to friend's house instead. She never "forgot" again. But this girl sounds like she'd just shove the whole mess onto the floor and kick it into a corner and pay it no mind.

Level 10
New York, NY

@Jessica-and-Henry0  It's nice to see you again, but oh my!  The talks aren't working, so me, I'd take the plates of food and put them on her bed.  To hell with the hygiene.  She'll put them on the floor.  Then more stuff on the bed.  Eventually she won't be able to get in or out of bed or the room.  In the meantime, you need to read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (

@Sarah977 @Clara116 @Paul154 @Kelly149 @Ann72 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @Chris232 

Hope I got everyone - if not, I apologize. Thought you guys might like an update 🙂 


Well, I approached her about the cash she owed us and she responded with a lot of excuses. I just let her go on for a while, smiled calmly and said.... well it looks like going to the bank and getting the cash is too much of an inconvenience for you so why don't I just request money thru Airbnb and you can accept my request right now, so we can get this item off our to-do list. Done and done 🙂 


I also posted a sign above the microwave and mentioned casually that since she seemed to have trouble remembering and since we don't want a fire in our home, I thought it best to put up a note and told her nicely but FIRMLY I expect her to do better. I added points about doing a better job cleaning up after herself in shared spaces, we expect dishes to be done promptly, not to leave stuff laying around in shared spaces, and no half-eaten food left in the room - that it could start to attract critters and is quite unhygienic. I explained that for us, shared spaces mean after YOU use it, YOU clean up and leave the kitchen/living room clean and ready for other people to use without exposing them to your dirty dishes or personal items. It's how Henry and I have always maintained shared spaces and we expect the guest to follow our lead and do the same. 


A few hours after our talk, she tried to take a bowl of ramen noodles and eat on the sofa which I stopped just in time. (sigh~~~) Firmly told her, as mentioned clearly in the 1-pager "things to note" we provide at check-in, water and dry foods like trail mix, crackers or an energy bar are the only types of food allowed on the sofa. ANYTHING that could leave a stain or smell needs to be kept far far away.  She quickly apologized and sat at the kitchen table to eat. And she did the dishes promptly after she was done eating. 


She's actually gotten much better about keeping the noise level down and using headphones/earphones..... so that's definitely a good sign. 


It's probably going to be a loooooong 2.5 months.... but I think we'll manage 🙂 

Henry and I have talked..... emotionally, we would like to ask her to leave. If we knew how lazy and messy and careless she is, of course we wouldn't have accepted. But she has improved little by little..... and we've had our share of difficult and challenging younger siblings and cousins and children of our friends that we've had to deal with to know what needs to be done to keep her in line. 


We know it's not our job to teach guests basic manners and etiquette about being a good house guest . But hey..... we are hosting exchange students in their early 20s. And we have been pretty luck till now. LOL~


Like I said, I think I just needed to hear it all from someone else. So thank you all for your support and advice 🙂 Wish us luck~ 

@Jessica-and-Henry0  You handled it PERFECTLY.  Thanks for the follow-up!

@Jessica-and-Henry0  Thanks for the update. You guys get the Host/Parenting award of the year. 

@Jessica-and-Henry0 @Good luck & grace and peace to you both. 
there should be a special badge 😉

She's doing it because you are allowing it. My daughter learned the hard way when she had a roommate who came from a house where her mother did everything for her. My daughter is cluttered, but her roommate took disgusting to a whole new level. Daughter spent the summer out of state and came home to find rice in the rice cooker with mold, the bathroom was never cleaned and drains were clogged (I used a drain snake and pulled enough hair out to make a coat), etc.

It's time for you to tell her to go. And her rating should be "better suited to a hotel." There are some people who will test your patience.

It's your house - time to stand up for yourself and ask her to leave.

@Sarah977 @Clara116 @Paul154 @Kelly149 @Ann72 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @Chris232 @Christine615 


UPDATE - Henry was in the kitchen for an early dinner when he opened the microwave to find her menstrual cup inside. Sigh~~~~ 


I just sent her a strongly worded message - the gist being "This seriously cannot keep happening. 4th time in 2 months we've found something of yours in the microwave." 


Henry says..... one more time and we are contacting Airbnb to kick her out and get her re-homed. 

@Jessica-and-Henry0 OMG! This girl sounds like there's something wrong with her, something beyond just being clueless about sharing a home.

@Jessica-and-Henry0    Oh nooooooooooooo


WTH. So, she took something out of her body & then put it in the microwave?!?!? And left it there?!? I sure hope that was a sterilization procedure gone wrong. But still, can we all say Biohazard. 


i can’t imagine a more reasonable reason to tell her to go. 

I’d be making that call now. 

poor Henry!! I’d have lost my cool right then and there. 


@Jessica-and-Henry0   Okay, that is too weird.  That is not a normal thing to do, whether she intended it as some passive aggressive bit of acting out, or for whatever reason in her disordered mind she thinks this is okay, you are far beyond a red flag with that type of behavior.  I would kick her out now, she is a threat to your health and safety.  Messy is one thing, failure to pick up after yourself is one thing, leaving your bodily fluids in a microwave opens an entirely new set of issues, all of them bad.

@Mark116 @Kelly149 @Sarah977 

Just to clarify.... it was a sterilizing process so no visible bodily fluids. It's just not the type of item you want to see in your microwave when you are just about to put your food in to heat up your dinner. 


And because the guest didn't take it out immediately, the steam from the sterilizing process was trapped in there for at least half a day. The inside was hot /warm and humid with moisture on all the inside surfaces. Henry ended up having to clean and wipe everything and by then he totally lost his appetite. 

