untrue review from renter

Level 1
Atlanta, GA

untrue review from renter

I ahd a guest stay for 3 nights and then complained of construction noise and that my unit was not as nice as the description said it was.   he complained of cracks around the windows, which are new and custon and are very nice.  As for the construction he was already staying a 5 minute walk from my place so he knew the area.  He complained of the construction noise, but there is no construction across from me or next to me or in my building.  You do not hear anything inside the unit, except it is a street level unit and advertized as middle of it all, bars, resturants, beach, which you know then there are people and lots of activy.   He said he did not ahve any peace and quite, which no one has complained of before.   I think he just stays somewhere a few nights and then complains to get his money back.  He even said in an e mail on Airbnb the first day that everything was great and also the second day. 

His review has hurt my rental cause I am not getting any more booking it seems for March?  This is high season.  Whart can you do about something like this to fix it so people don't think it is in the middle of a construction zone or not as nice as the pics show?  Airbnb had a professional photographer come 3 weeeks before he arrived and do pictures so it is 100% correct on the description and pictures.  This was jsut a bad renter but his review is hurting my rental.  Help?  I should be booked solid for March and April but interest seems to ahve stopped.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Miami, FL

There's not much you can do. He had a previous negative review from a host. If you see something like this in the future, you might consider declining the guest. I don't think you have to worry about a single negative review.

Level 10
Union City, NJ

If it's not too late (not sure what the deadline is) you can post a reply to the guest review.  Keep is super short and sweet, but address what you feel is the big issue.   You can say something like "the guest indicated on first and second day that everything was great, this building is super soundproof and although there was no construction going on, this guest was very sensitive to normal apartment sounds" or something like that.  This is obviously not the best wording but you know what I mean.

He sounds like a scammer to me....trying to get free places to stay by threatening bad reviews. Contact Airbnb immediately and ask to have his review removed. It happend to me.

Level 2
California, United States

I had the same issue with a guest (a little less than a month after I activated my listing) who stayed with me for about two weeks.


Responding to the guest's review is always preferable, and make sure you address all the issues in your response.  Silence will not help you, especially when you're just starting out. This reply is also based from a later guest--thankful that I responded as they wanted to see my point of view.


Like @Monica4, I contacted Airbnb, but they did not delete my guest's negative (mixed public) review because of the positive reviews from other hosts.  His private feedback to me was very negative.


Many things can happen when you have a long term guest--what appears to be someone who's funny in the beginning may just turn out to be the opposite in the long run.