why does airbnb limit the number of guests that can book to 16?
am i missing something? or was this just an oversight by airbnb?
its a pain editing every single booking because i can host upto 21 guests yet airbnb only allow my guests to book as 16. i also notice this option is availible to a select few other hosts. what gives? why is this basic function not availible to me?
ive heard of channel managers but i think its rediculous that im being forced to pay an extra fee because someone at airbnb cant count past 16
@Daniel1032I looked at your listing. There are four bedrooms in the house. I saw that there are some queen beds, one bunk bed, and some twin beds. The total number of people I count is 15 with the number of beds you provide. I just wonder how you can fit 16+ guests in your house. There are less chance to host a group of >16 people than <=15 anyways.
Not sure if there are any reasoning that Airbnb put max limit of 16. I am interested to know the answer too.