
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

4-star overall reviews but 5-star in every category - when will this be fixed?

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

4-star overall reviews but 5-star in every category - when will this be fixed?

This summer, I've gotten two reviews that have given me 5 stars in every category, but 4 stars overall. The most recent really annoyed me: it was from a new Airbnb member, who also put NA in their public review but wrote me a nice private review. I spent time on the phone with this guest before she arrived, talking her through how to fix her account because she didn't have her correct address or credit card number on file, and she called me for help, and I did. I sent her extra tutorials on how to set up her account properly.  I let her check in early. She had the same experience as many other guests do who give me 5 stars, and she gave me 4 - even though everything was apparently perfect, according to her words and individual ratings. I did respond publically, just saying thanks for the nice private review and that I was glad they had a nice time. 


It REALLY annoys me that Airbnb said they were going to do something about these outlier reviews a year ago in one of their host updates.


Why do they even bother making promises to us if there is no intention to follow through?


Just letting off steam, but I am really annoyed, both at Airbnb and this guest. 


What do you do when you get these reviews? Do you ask the guest where you went wrong, or just let it lie?


Top Answer

@Alexandra316  I just found the link about the changed made by Airbnb.


Below is quoted from that post.


One-off review alerts

We’ve added a step to the review process for guests when they give a host an inconsistent overall rating. For instance, the guest may have given 4-star or higher ratings for all the categories (cleanliness, accuracy, etc.), but then give an overall rating of less than 3 stars.


The new pop up screen asks guests: “Is this right?” And goes on to explain that they rated their overall stay lower than they rated it in specific categories. It gives guests an option to either change the rating or ignore the alert.

View Top Answer in original post

63 Replies 63

@Marina910It's been discussed quite a few times in here, but it would really help of Airbnb gave guests any kind of feedback on how to review and how it impacts hosts before they are let loose on the review system. Airbnb doesn't tell guests that anything less than 5 stars can have a dramatic negative effect on hosts. 

I agree that they should also be asked to provide feedback if they're giving you less than 5 stars. 

I understand your point of view. But I had an issue where the host contacted me to ask me what could be better. I thought he was asking for my opinion so I gave him some suggestions. He replied that I was extremely rude and to think twice about being a perfectionist. He did not accept me giving 4 stars overall and that I would not be able to find anything better elsewhere  with all the qualities in his flat. He was clearly offended by the tips I gave him. Truly is was a nice place to stay and I gave a really positive review in my opinion. So I was really surprised by such a negative response after asking me for suggestions. I find it unfortunate for a host to not accept constructive criticism and having a poor attitude as a host. I take reviews seriously and had always tried my best to be a respectful guest. But to be asked what could have been better and then receive a disgruntled message from a host who did not like your suggestions makes me want to make sure that I continue to give fair reviews. What could I have done better as a guest giving the review??  It’s interesting to hear the viewpoint of hosts. 

If flat was "nice" by your own admission, what possessed you to give a low star rating?

@Jackie569 You don't mention which review you are referring to, but I read through your reviews and those you have given to hosts and I really like the reviews you leave- they seem quite balanced, don't come across to me as you being a perfectionist or a complainer, because you mention all the good points and the things that were a bit inconvenient, you just state as fact. I think your written reviews are excellent as far as letting future guests know what to expect.

The problem with the star ratings is first, that they are really subjective- one guest might rate the location poorly, because they don't like walking and it was a 10 minute walk to public transport, yet another guest who loves to walk and see the sights along the way may rate the location as 5*s. So if I were a guest, the written reviews would tell me much more accurately what I wanted to know than the star ratings.

Secondly, hosts are rated very harshly by Airbnb, which most guests don't realize. So while Airbnb tells you, as a guest, that 4*s is "good", they then turn around and threaten hosts with delisting if their rating falls below 4.7 average and a Superhost will lose that status if the rating is less than 4.8. The individual category ratings aren't judged that way, but the Overall rating is the one that really counts.

So, as a guest, unless you find that a place isn't accurately described, or hasn't been cleaned, or the listed amenities aren't there or not in working order, or the host is inattentive or unresponsive to concerns, you are hurting hosts if you give a less than 5* Overall rating. Hosts really wish that wasn't so, but that's what we're stuck with as far as how Airbnb applies the ratings.

Most good hosts are open to suggestions and of course it's ridiculous and nasty for this host to have asked you for feedback and then gotten mad when you gave it.

But in the future, you might consider continuing to give the kind of written reviews that you do, but trying not to tank host's ratings just because there were things you felt could use improvement. And keep in mind that things beyond a host's control, like street noise or noise from neighboring properties, shouldn't enter into the ratings, unless a host has inaccurately portrayed the area as quiet, which could be addressed in the accuracy rating. I myself have been appreciatve when guests left a 5* rating, but sent me private feedback on something they felt should be addressed, rather than mention it in a review or leave a lower star rating. Like a guest mentioned in private that there was a lot of cat hair on the outside cushions, which I hadn't even noticed, as the cat was a very recent addition- a stray that had decided she lived here. After I got that feedback, I now make sure to check those cushions and vacuum them regularly.

Thanks for your point of view as a host. Good suggestions. I was just shocked by being called extremely rude for giving my suggestions when he asked for them. I also stated that he was asking for tips and that I did not leave those suggestions publicly because they were personal preferences. It is good advice to keep in mind to rate only by what is advertised instead of personal preferences too. Many thanks! I do appreciate all the good hosts in the Airbnb community and all the effort and hard work put in. 

Also, is it bad for guests to give 5 stars overall and leave all the suggestions publicly instead of a private message? 

@Jackie569, please understand that Airbnb tells guests that a 4 star rating is "good" but Airbnb tells hosts that if they continually get anything less than a 5 star review they risk being suspended. So essentially, when you give a host a 4 star you are casting your vote to have them removed. It is not a fair system but until Airbnb makes some changes, we are all trying to bare it.

Level 3
Scotland, United Kingdom

That’s unfortunate, personally that’s not my style to chase up guests but justification for a low score is paramount. Take care 👍🏻

Advise guests that they have so much flex time for check-in/out if you choose to allow it. After that, they need to pay. That's what I do and most persons are fine with it. However, I had one guest who stayed without my permission and texted me 2 hrs after check-out to say he was still there and left 3 hrs after the text but didnt bother to pay even after leaving the AC running. I took it to airbnb and it was resolved. I must say in that regard, they are very helpful.

Hello @Alexandra316 

The general stars are not an average of the stars for each category.

To reach Superhost, Airbnb keeps in mind only general stars.

When a review is deleted, the stars are deleted.

If you have a great guest and he will confirm that he was a mistake when he gave 3 or 4 stars in general, even if he did not write anything, advise him to contact Airbnb and to request the deletion of your own guest review.


Wish to all 5 stars reviews! 😉 


@Ramona2  Sorry, but that's not true- many hosts have posted here that they have been successful in getting a bad, lying review removed, but the low star rating remained. When they talked to Airbnb about how unfair and senseless that was, the response was that they "can't" change the star ratings or remove them- that the computer algorithm is in charge of that.


I asked recently Airbnb and maybe the procedure has changed.

Have a great week-end!



I asked recently Airbnb and maybe the procedure has changed.

Have a great weekend!


@Ramona2Yes, understood regarding the stars not being an average: if they were, this situation wouldn't be a problem, because my overall rating would have been 5 stars. Unfortunately, Airbnb allows guests to give you 5 stars in every category then stiff you on the overall rating, the only rating that really matters. 


It's true that if you get 3 or 4 stars two times in a month, the listing can be suspended for some days, you're right.
Even if we propose to Airbnb that guests with a few stars be suspended, guests make another Airbnb account. 😞
Wish to all a great guests!
