Airbnb does not support hosts when vengeful guests leave inaccurate reviews.

Level 6
St. John's, Canada

Airbnb does not support hosts when vengeful guests leave inaccurate reviews.

It really seems that Airbnb is a company that serves travellers and not hosts. A guest may leave false information and a 1 star review for properties that otherwise are receiving 5 star ratings and, rather than investigating the situation, Airbnb sends the host a supercilious message telling them to do better.


It seems that Airbnb's policy gives free rein for guests to act out unreasonably and hosts just have to suck it up. For the amount hosts pay  this corporation with its multi-billion dollar annual profits, Airbnb could easily implement policies that require responsible guest behaviour and reviews. To date, this is not the case.

3 Replies 3
Level 3
Santa Monica, CA

Hi @Anne1057 ,

I understand your frustration; dealing with inaccurate reviews can be very disheartening, especially when it feels like Airbnb isn’t providing the support you need. It’s a challenge many hosts face, and your concerns are valid. Here are a few strategies to navigate these situations:

  1. Document Everything: Keep thorough records of all communications with guests, including their requests and any issues that arise. This documentation can be crucial if you need to contest a review or provide evidence of your side of the story.

  2. Respond Professionally: Even when faced with a negative or inaccurate review, respond in a calm and professional manner. Address the specific points mentioned in the review, clarify any misunderstandings, and offer a solution if applicable. A well-crafted response can show potential guests that you handle feedback constructively.

  3. Escalate Your Case: If you believe a review violates Airbnb’s policies and the initial support response doesn’t resolve the issue, consider escalating the matter. Provide clear evidence and documentation to support your case. Sometimes escalating to a higher level of support can yield a different outcome.

  4. Improve Your Guest Experience: Focus on enhancing the overall guest experience to minimize the impact of negative reviews. Providing thoughtful touches, such as a well-designed welcome book with local recommendations and clear information about your property, can improve guest satisfaction and lead to more positive reviews. If you’re interested, customizable welcome book templates might be helpful and can be found at here or google.

  5. Feedback Loop: Share your concerns with Airbnb’s support team. Constructive feedback from hosts can sometimes lead to policy changes or improvements in how situations are handled.

I hope these suggestions help you manage and mitigate the impact of difficult reviews. Best of luck with your hosting journey!


Level 2
Wailua Homesteads, HI

Yes that’s 💯 percent true.

The hosts have no say in any matter.

Super Host means absolutely nothing. 
airbnb will always side with guests and there is nothing a host can do about it.

Hosts are totally discriminated against. Not treated equal to guests, but have zero say or value. 

Your cancellation policy means zilch.

airbnb for hosts is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. 
Reviews don’t matter to them.

Nothing is taken into account benefiting the host.

Contacting Airbnb will only result in robot like “script” responses that is basically word salad that answers nothing but stock responses.