
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Avoid this guest **

Avoid this guest **

I had the mis-pleasure of hosting this person. 


Never happy. Constant demands.  Tried to extort a two week refund via a "gesture of goodwill" then left the bathroom filthy and a nasty review. 


A highly entitled and demanding guest who would leave a bad review from the Ritz after trying to extort free services from them!! 

*Title edited*

36 Replies 36

@Ian-And-Liz0  There is nothing about John's comments which are threatening.


FYI the "Hosting" and "Help" sections of this forum are open and visible to all.


If you want to post something that you would prefer only other hosts be able to read, rather than the general public, you need to post it in the "Host Circle" section.


I shared all details after seeing this earlier post so got the clear impression doing so is perfectly acceptable in this forum


are you attacking this person too? 

*Image removed*


@Ian-And-Liz0 You need to read the terms and condtions of this forum. You've violated them. Just because someone else posted someone's personal details, doesn't make it right. That person also violated the terms. That post will be edited by the mods as well, eventually.

This IS a forum for both hosts AND guests. But that is not relevant. Your post is inappropriate. Full Stop.



I could have phrased that better, I'll admit that, however I was on my phone stuck in traffic. 


These post are usually removed once the admins become aware of them. That other one will likely also be edited or removed. 


The reason I took issue with sharing a guest name, is that guest already don't trust host with any personal information including their name. Its actually optional for guest to use their real name. So as a host I took offense to this as it seems to violate the host guest trust. 


You can send one of the admins, aka Community Organizers, and request they remove it. this just happened about a week ago and the other host also got a rather stern assessment from other host, more popular than me. 


I understnad the stress and frustration. Its so tempting to want to blame guest for everything. However, from what I read the guest left a positivity public comment but you or they also meintioned some issue with the bathroom. I've also had a guest claim a bathroom mirror was dirty and left less than perfect review, but that's not grounds to retaliate and try to punish them in a public forum. I did send a private message, which I think was also a mistake, although minor one. We all make mistakes and that's part of the discussion. I was also "attacked" when I first posted here. Sorry not attacked, just honest assessment from other host, and I thanked them. 


What I"m trying to say is that as a host you can only control what you can, cleaning being one of the most important. 


While this is a hosting forum, it also would show up in a search, such as google search, if the guest ever decided to search their name, which a lot of people do. So that's why I was saying its a good thing, these post are just edited or removed. 


I think I'll be taking a break from the CC fourms, at least I hope so. I'm actually hoped my comment would benefit you, though it was a bit stern. I would suggest requesting to have it removed before the guest finds it and reports you. 

@John5097 Take a break from the forum if you need to of course, but honestly, I wouldn't sweat it. Rather surprised @Ian-And-Liz0 took any offence at your comment to begin with, given the following two quotes,


"I’m Australian. We are blunt in how we speak. 

There is no point mincing words". 


"I’m Australian


We are blunt

Which is how I shall be"


Seems you're used to blunt language, @Ian-And-Liz0 .

Wow @Colleen253 thanks so much..  I keep reading your comments after I post..  Yeah everyone else is so blunt and outspoken, yet very purposeful. I think its just natural for it to become personal with guest. I always have to remind myself not to imagine the worst and give guest benefit of the doubt. Maybe Airbnb needs to help educated host more about not sharing private info about guest or more guest will book with only a first name or crocodile dundee.. 

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

It would be one thing if the host left a neutral type of review, or even a damning with faint praise type of review, but this was a glowing, fabulous, color me unsympathetic that the host is now upset that guest gave lower stars.