What hosts are saying

    Hello everyone, You may have noticed that there is an option to mark responses as a Top Answer. We want to explain the purpose of “Top Answer”, why it is useful, and how to craft a fabulous response to help your fellow hosts. What are Top Answers ... Latest reply by Jiana5
    Hi all - Just this morning I had an inquiry for next weekend. The potential guest said that he received a message that he was unable to book due to risks of parties. He assured me that he would not be having a party; that he was coming for a job intervi... Latest reply by Ashley1797
    Hi experts.We've had three guests by now (our minimum is a 28 day stay). On the payouts I notice that for one guest both cleaning and taxes are listed. For another just cleaning, and for the third neither. How can this be? Thank you! Latest reply by Hazel184
    Buongiorno Mi puo' aiutare: il contratto di locazione, come fa a comunicarlo agli ospiti? Io ho scaricato un PDF, ma non vedo come allegarlo al sito airbnb? Devo mandarlo agli ospiti per email? Poi loro lo riempiono e lo mandano a me?Grazie del consiglio.... Latest reply by Julia4493