Hi, I have been a host for about 8 months. When setting up m...
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Hi, I have been a host for about 8 months. When setting up my posting, I had checked 'no' to smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes al...
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Feeling slightly low after a very ordinary guest review when I went well above expectations, offering my best 25 years australian wine, lending best books, cooking, laundering, showering kids with gifts.... Yey amongst all my 5 stars ratings these the guests gave me 4 stars.
You think you've made friends but it's fleeting and this experience pulls me down. There is no pleasing some people and I feel this rating particularly harsh in the circumstances. Sorry, I know I probably invest too much emotionally and pride wise. 🙂 for me it's much more than business, I give it my all.
Does anyone else feel the sting of unfairness at times? Ratings are all very well but so subjectives
Answered! Go to Top Answer
I just stumbled across this post looking for something else and I have to say that I am stunned that your listing could have received a less than perfect review! Inexplicable! La Maison Bleue looks fabulous! There appear to be quality furnishings, the decor looks very tasteful, the accommodation spacious and light and airy, the location seems to be excellent, the price very good value & you seem to be the perfect hostess reading many of the reviews! I simply can't imagine why a guest would have given you a bad review! I hope you managed to get it removed! Perhaps it was a slip of their fingers, or they didn't fully understand the rating system???? Whatever the case, I would LOVE to stay there and wouldn't be put off by one less than happy review/guest out of numerous other very satisfied guests! All the best with your health issues and future hosting! Warm wishes, Fiona
I feel your pain. Airbnb's system of stars is fundamentally flawed. They should remove star ratings and use a system of written reviews only. Not sure how this would work with the search algorythm.
Thank you to all of you for your kind and suppportive messages. To be honest I don't mind receiving the odd 4 stars rating, it was more that is the case described I felt a total friendship had developped and forgot for a moment that this was after all only a commercial transaction. I do love so much receiving guests and have just been rewarded with a most amazing experience; hosting my first Afgans. What a validating affair. So there are good times, I was just in shock feeling betrayed over people I won't ever see again - Silly me.
yes I am the same. I had a perfect 5 start rating then I had two guests give me a 4 and even a 3 and I have no idea why. I was so surprised as I thought they were super happy with the room / apt and us but as they say you can please all of the people all of the time.
Keep smiling Isabelle 🙂
I just stumbled across this post looking for something else and I have to say that I am stunned that your listing could have received a less than perfect review! Inexplicable! La Maison Bleue looks fabulous! There appear to be quality furnishings, the decor looks very tasteful, the accommodation spacious and light and airy, the location seems to be excellent, the price very good value & you seem to be the perfect hostess reading many of the reviews! I simply can't imagine why a guest would have given you a bad review! I hope you managed to get it removed! Perhaps it was a slip of their fingers, or they didn't fully understand the rating system???? Whatever the case, I would LOVE to stay there and wouldn't be put off by one less than happy review/guest out of numerous other very satisfied guests! All the best with your health issues and future hosting! Warm wishes, Fiona