DECLINE LOCAL GUESTS! Airbnb does not protect hosts with their impossible timeline written in the Limitations and Exclusions Section Rules

Level 2
Rochester, NY

DECLINE LOCAL GUESTS! Airbnb does not protect hosts with their impossible timeline written in the Limitations and Exclusions Section Rules

Airbnb took down my original post so I'll try this again. Airbnb's terms for a host to retrieve any of their abusive guests' security deposit following damage, breaking of the house rules, smoking, hosting destructive parties, and extra cleaning (deep cleaning in my case), does NOTHING to protect the host and EVERYTHING to protect the guest. When there is a back to back guest booking, the expectation within the timeline is simply not protecting the host AT ALL!

Here is my conversation with Airbnb to give you some insight:

My message to Airbnb:

These terms are impossible to follow given that it took over four hours for our cleaning lady to clean up the mess from Nikki(and her unauthorized guests) and determine the extra fees that would be associated with this guest's obvious abuse of our house rules. The next guest checked in at 3pm, leaving no time to send all of the necessary proof through the Resolution Center. What is the point of a security deposit when one cannot depend on Airbnb to set up a decent timeline for covering the host from damages and extra fees associated with abuse and neglect of their space?  For Airbnb to overlook this situation is absolutely unacceptable. It goes against all of the statements that pledge that Airbnb values the hosts and guests. I am not asking for favors, but fairness in a situation that clearly proved Nikki abusive of our house rules, causing damaged furniture and extra cleaning services. I showed the photos and invoice in the same day as Nikki's check-out. I have the timeline on my photos to prove that they were taken after she checked out and before the new guest checked in.We have witnesses that saw up to 20 people at the loft partying and making a mess of the space. This is not ok.
I am certain that there is something that you can do to help cover this $135 that I am now out. What will you do to help? What is another step that I can take to make Nikki accountable for her outright breaking of the rules? 
Can I even give her an honest poor review without her lying in return and giving me a poor review in return? If she does that will Airbnb take her review down?
Airbnb's response:

Hi Timothy,

It’s Rocio again from the Claims team, I hope to find you well,

After a thorough review, we have decided to uphold our original decision.

This is a strict policy requirement, and it is in place to ensure timely and accurate resolutions for both hosts and guests. You are free to pursue reimbursement from your guest directly. However, per this requirement, this case is not eligible for reimbursement.

I would advise you to read and revise the Limitations and Exclusions Section of the Host Guarantee Terms of Service, through the following link:

We consider this decision final.

Best regards,


My response to Rocio:


Thank you for your efforts. Why have you not answered all of my question? Please put me in touch with your superior or manager. 
The point of a security deposit is to be able to cover damages and extra fees. Airbnb’s timeline of claiming  damage and extra cleaning fees in unreasonable. 
How does Airbnb’s strict policy accurately protect your hosts when you expect a claim to be made through the Resolution Center prior to a new guest checking in on the same day as the destructive guest? It took well over the full time to properly evaluate, take photos, professionally clean for the new guest, get the invoice from the cleaner and go through the Resolution Center. Why aren’t there allowances for timestamped photos and cleaning invoices that have the proper extra cleaning service dates on them? I would like an answer as to why this limitation is “pro-host”. 
Get me I’m touch with someone ASAP.
Notice that my questions went unanswered. Can I even leave a poor review for this guest without subjecting myself to a poor review in return??! No answers from Airbnb.  So much for their "help".
In the end I've learned a lesson and Airbnb will profit less because of it. Moral of the story- DECLINE LOCAL GUESTS if you don't want your place destroyed and abused. You'll end up ahead in the long run.
3 Replies 3

@Timothy293   Are you aware that Airbnb does not actually collect or hold the so-called deposit from guests when they book?  It's there in hosts' listing setup only as a placebo, and should not be mistaken for an actual security.


Also, Airbnb has a poor track record when it comes to compensating excess cleaning, and it emphatically does not enforce hosts' advertised fines for rule violations. With this in mind, it's crucial that hosts use every means at their disposal to prevent parties from happening in the first place.  That can mean some combination of declining bookings from locals, increasing your Minimum Stay, installing external cameras or decibel meters, providing contact details to neighbors to report issues on the spot, or (if you host remotely) employing a co-host in the neighborhood to monitor the property. 


As you've unfortunately learned, the inaccurately named "Security Deposit" and "Host Guarantee" do not make it safe to lose control of your property. But at least this time, nobody got shot.


Level 4
Hagerstown, MD

We’ve had similar experiences with Airbnb not protecting our house. We had guests from hell that had a party with bottles of liquor, with kids in the house unattended, and GUNS in our house. We wrote the last day eligible to make a claim and they denied it because they took 3 days to respond then said it was after their claim date. These guests left candy stuck to our throw blankets, vomited on pillows, left paper towels with bodily fluid on the beds, gun safety locks, empty liquor bottles, toys everywhere, not a single check out instruction was followed and when we wrote HOURS of documenting all of this and getting a cleaning quote, air bnb didn’t care AT ALL.

was it locals?