Digital Guidebooks

Level 2
Newbury, United Kingdom

Digital Guidebooks

Hi , I am new to Air BnB and have listed one property. I am looking at Digital guidebooks and just wondered if anyone has any experience of using Digital Guidebooks and how they work?  Do I email a link to each guest before they stay? Thanks Everyone 

16 Replies 16
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Lisa10178 

Are you referring to the Airbnb Guidebook that you can set up on your host profile? 

If so, it will show on your host profile and the guest will be able to access it from their booking. If you want to highlight it to a guest, you can copy the link into the Airbnb message thread. It also has an option to print it, so you can leave a copy in your listing if you want to.

Hi @Shelley159 


Thanks for your email. I have found that and thought about using that but I have also been looking at online guidebooks, that would hold specific information about my apartment. For example, where to find the hairdryer, cutlery, how to set the alarm, etc. Have you used the Air BnB Guidebook for this or do you place a hard copy in the property? I would like to use the Air Bnb Guidebook if possible as it's free but I wasn't sure how much detail I can enter. Thanks

Hello @Lisa10178 


I used Canva to make my House Info book in which I explain to guests how things work etc but leave a printed version in the apartment in two languages.  I didn't have to pay a penny and you can make it pretty too😉


I find the Airbnb guidebook clumsy, too restrictive and not user friendly so don't use that.

Level 2
Newbury, United Kingdom

Hi @Joelle43 


Thanks for your reply. Can your guests access your House info book online or are they purely printed versions?  I have created a printed version but I am thinking about how I can create a digital version, that can be accessed online with an emailed link. Or I don't know if I am overthinking it and I should just stick with a paper version? Thanks!



My guests only get a paper version!  although I would like to be able to send them a link but am still in a learning curve regarding computer stuff🤣  I had hoped to include it in the Airbnb Guidebook but it doesn't accept any links and I don't fancy having to write the whole thing again.

I could use Dropbox but haven't researched that yet and to be honest, I like what I've created so will probably stick to that.  I have updated this season my restaurant guide as it's something that guests often comment on.

@Joelle43 @Lisa10178 

Hmmm....I just created a DropBox PDF version of a House Manual for a client of mine and it works great! It's nice as it is "searchable" so the guest only has to type a word like "hot tub" and it will take them to the section of the House Manual about how to use the hot tub. I believe you can also create a QR code for the link and send that.


This host is just sending the link via the guest's phone number, but it probably would work as a link in a guest message or in the Host Guidebook....hmmm. I'll have to try that.


Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Yes @Lisa10178 I agree with @Joelle43 

The way the Airbnb Guidebook is set up, you won't be able to use it for information about things inside the apartment.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I use Airbnb's guide book for area recommendations and then add a detailed house manual that I link to as part of my welcome instructions which guests receive a link to on check in day.


i also have a printed copy of the house manual @Lisa10178 

Level 2
Newbury, United Kingdom

Hi @Helen3 


Thanks for your email. When you send a link, is it linked to a website or do you host a guest book online?  Thanks




Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It's all on the Airbnb platform @Lisa10178 


When you set your listing up you can add the visitor guide, house manual and send pre set messages.


have a look on the Airbnb Help website it's a useful resource to help you find out how airbnb works .



Create a Guidebook to Share Local Tips



Add a Guidebook to Your Listing



Add a House Manual to Your Listing



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Level 2
Newbury, United Kingdom

Thanks so much @Joan2709 , that's amazing. I am going to set this up


Thanks again

Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA


I put all the item location and how to operate (thermostat, windows - it’s a two step process as it is a locking window, and more) info in my house manual (which includes the general house rules - no smoking, no shoes in the space, etc.) I send it out to my guests the day before arrival so they have all the info for the space. I leave a copy of this in the space as well. I thought sending it out in scheduled messages would be too much (as it is quite long) but I also wanted to make sure everyone had access to things as it can be sometimes difficult to find items or people don’t try to look in the app/platform for it. All my guests have expressed appreciation for the detailed location and instructions as it is bulleted to the item and location (ie First aid kit: It is located in the drawer below the bathroom sink). Being in the Airbnb platform allows the house manual to be translated to their language of choice (I have many guests who have translation on). 


My guidebook to the area is sent out with a scheduled message immediately after booking with a welcome message and some general questions. 

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

@Joan2709 @Lorina14 

I just want to check 2 things about the House Manual. 

1)The way I understand it, it's just a paragraph in the arrival section where one can type things out, right? I don't see a way to add images or turn it into a PDF or anything like that?

2) How do you send it to guests? Below the paragraph where one can type, it says it's automatically sent to them 24 to 48 hours before check-in. I only have 3 sentences of basic information in there, and I've always assumed that guests receive it. Everything else that I think they may want to know, I leave in hard copy in the listing (in part, because I don't know of a way to put documents and photos for this sort of thing on Airbnb).


I wish we had a way of seeing the messages that guests receive (or don't receive) and when. I actually wouldn't mind if they were posted right in the message thread, so one can see all of the communication in one place.