Do you leave masks for guests?

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Do you leave masks for guests?

We debate this and thus far have come down on the side of "no." Curious about whether others who are hosting right now leave masks for guests. 


We have hand sanitizer and info about wearing masks locally/what is required, but we stop short of leaving masks for visitors. My husband doesn't want to buy disposable masks as he is not keen on the waste, and I don't want to have to make sure that we have a supply of washable masks clean and ready in addition to everything else we provide. So we have not left any so far. I do wonder if guests would use them or be suspicious of anything that is not disposable (has it been washed?)


Are you leaving masks for guests in your listing?

16 Replies 16
Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Laura2592   We do not leave masks of any type in our cabin.  If I were a guest, I would not want to see (or use) someone else's washable masks, and I would not accept a disposable mask unless it were wrapped.  If you are house-sharing and require your guests to wear a mask while in common areas, then you might want to have a box of disposable masks handy.  But that will be quite an expense. Trust your guests to figure out that they need to have and use their own masks.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

No.  I don't provide knickers (panties) either!

Level 10
Littleton, CO

Masks are the one thing I don’t provide, I figure people probably needed them at some point to get here and once they are here the businesss seem to have them at entrances if someone needs one 

Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Initially, at the start of covid - when people weren't taking the pandemic too seriously - I would leave a disposable mask (single packaged) for each guest, to start them off but as time went on I stopped offering them, as people would be wearing them before they arrive. It's mandatory in Jamaica to wear a mask in public spaces, including public transportation.

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


At my place in Atlanta, I do not leave a mask.  I provide sanitizing hand soap in the bathroom, and not hand sanitizer.  All guests have to drive to reach this space, and have the ability to bring hand sanitizer with them, if they so choose.


Similar to @Flavia202's situation, wearing a face mask while in public places is the law in St. Lucia.  We've not had guests since March 2020, but I will provide face masks and a purse-sized bottle of hand sanitizer when we are finally allowed to host guests from outside of the Caribbean Travel Bubble.  

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 10
Los Angeles, CA


**[Content hidden due to its unverifiable or misleading nature]

Level 10
New York, NY

@Laura2592  I leave masks.  I want people to feel they've got a back-up if they need it.  Besides, they probably leave theirs in the car, and they need them in the house in case someone comes to the door or a repair person needs to come inside.  However, very few were used or taken over the course of the year.

Level 10



Greetings Laura.  I was leaving two new, clean disposable masks for guests to use but most guests did not use them. Right now we don't have any guests at all.


We started leaving hand sanitizers in the rooms but it seemed that guests were using them to refill their own containers so we stopped.  We have placed a bowl of Dettol water in our entrance hall and invite all guests to use it whenever they wish. 

@Anthony223 I honestly don't see the sense in hand sanitizer inside the house, when you can just go to the sink and wash your hands with soap. 


Where it makes sense to me to have it is outside the front door, so guests can sanitize their hands before touching the doorknob and entering the house. A nurse friend once told me, long before COVID,  that doorknobs are one of the most bacteria laden things you can touch. 


When she went to India she carried a spray bottle of Dettol in her purse and sprayed every public doorknob, railing, etc. before touching it and said she was the only traveler she met there who never got sick.

@Sarah977    Greetings Sarah.  Funny, this arrived just after I'd finished sterilizing all the door knobs and surfaces here.  It's my morning job now even though we don't have any guests these days.  We use the sanitizing gel when any of the family is forced to go out somewhere, otherwise at home, it's a sterilizing solution of Dettol and water.  Can you get Dettol there in Mexico?  It's very difficult to buy it here in Portugal but when my nephew returned home from Kathmandu last time, he brought about two litres in his suitcase.  I guard it carefully. Smile.

@Anthony223Never seen Dettol here, but I've never really looked for it either. I use rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution, or sterilizing wipes for surfaces, and as plain old soap and water, washing for 20 seconds, renders the virus non-viable, that's what I use on my hands.


Of course when I have to go out, I carry hand sanitizer in my car and use it a lot.


Don't forget the light switches 🙂

@Sarah977    Laughing here, Sarah.  yes, I always do the light switches too

Level 10
Orono, ME

No on masks. I am still on the same hand sanitizer I purchased back in February and guests/myself have only gone through one or two Clorox wipes containers. Items are really for show. 🙂

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Laura2592  No.  Not only do I not want to incur the expense, or set up an expectation about managing someone else's health responses, but presumably anyone traveling would already have their own masks. 


We have always provided anti bacterial hand soap and we still do.  Its also a 'no' on small bottles of hand sanitizer.  We have a huge spray bottle of liquid sanitizer that is left in the interior entrance so people can use it when entering/leaving and spray the door knobs if they want.  Anything else is up to the guest to provide for themselves.  Also a 'no' on wipes because I don't want those going in the toilet.    We do include now 1  1/2 full bottle of anti bacterial cleaner if the guests want to wipe down any surfaces on their own.