Does this sound like a scam?

Does this sound like a scam?

In October we had a potential guest inquire about staying for a week. 
His profile was brand new.

His profile said he was based out of NYC.

(his profile indicated his primary language is chinese...mentioning that only because its relevant to the later part of this question). 


Prior to booking he insisted on video tour of our property.

He requested a full house (inside and out) video tour.

We accommodated, made about 12 videos and shared them with him (i was careful to obscure any location/identifying info).


Two days after sharing the videos an AirBnB system message popped up in our chat saying:
"Limited Message Delivery. Someone in this conversation no longer has access to AirBnB"
Sure enough, his profile was gone.

We thought it was odd but did not think anything much beyond that.

Fastforward a month and we have another potential guest inquiring with the stipulation that he wants a physical tour before deciding.
He has requested a tour more than a month from now (at the end of Dec).
His profile is brand new (started in Nov).
He indicates he is from NYC, and his profile says his primary language is chinese.
He has provided a WhatsApp number and requested we keep in touch through that service until he arrives for the tour.

Each of the things i mentioned do not scream "scam" but taking them all in together i think i see some red-flags.

Is it normal for someone to fly across the country (from NYC to Seattle) just to tour a place you may rent?

Why would someone request a video tour...then disappear?

Just curious if anyone has run into a similar request / situation.


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

We get these 'strange' requests all the time and because they are so out of the norm, we ignore them. If they come through Airbnb we use a . (dot) to meet the reply requirement and move on. Reason?


In 'all likelihood' they are a scam, so why take a risk. The fact they never follow up  speaks volumes. The fact similar ones start incoming under different names, confirms our suspicions.



A quick update:
Received a 3rd request similar to the first one (requesting video tour).

Before i could reply with the links though the account was closed with that same ""Limited Message Delivery. Someone in this conversation no longer has access to AirBnB" message.


For some reason i have this idea that either a company in china is trying to start their version of AirBnB and these requests are information gathering efforts.


A chinese company has won a contract in the area where our property is and there is a rush to house them as they move to the area


A criminal group is scouting potential homes to break into...


All three profiles had been created the week of them contacting me, all three listed chinese as their first language, all three were looking for mid Dec through March booking periods, all three profiles said they were from NYC, two profiles were removed from AirBnB, one is still active.