Im new to hosting, and would like to chat to local people on...
Im new to hosting, and would like to chat to local people on the Coffs coast
In addition to the message: joined 2 years ago, no reviews, no verification, local, wants to book for 1 night. And obviously has not read any of the listing details never mind our house rules, lol. The only odd thing out is it’s not short notice. Now to figure out my response. I will be honest with him so I’ll make it count!
I must say though, I have to thank a potential guest like this for coming in with red flags waving wildly from both fists. Saves me time and probably trauma.
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@Inna22 I get what you are saying but . . .
@Colleen253 I think this is the biggest thing that many guests did not understand. That being, how important the initial message is. If all else is the exact same, one of these inquiries would get my utmost respect and the other would result in a one-word pass. Can you guess which one?
Guest 1: "Hi Emilia, your home looks beautiful and I would love to book for the night. I am wondering what level of privacy I will have? With all that is going on in the world, privacy is my biggest concern. Any reassurance you have would be great. Thank you!"
Guest 2: "i want privacy. does this house have it?"
This would be a hard pass for me. HARD pass. No. Nyet. Nada!
A message like that - it's a definite no from me. What do they have to hide? It would put me off.
This is why I always set my settings to vet guests who have any of the following; zero feedback, new to airbnb or negative. Anyone else can insta book.
@Neil408 The creepy opening message really was off putting. Easy no!
I don't do instant book anymore myself. Too many glitches associated with it. On the plus side, I've found I much prefer handling requests.
I am jealous, I wish I would get an inquiry like that; my inquirers/guests are just too straight.
It seems I will be completely alone here but I do not see anything wrong with the inquiry. I see no red flags in any of it. I accept guests with no reviews all the time- everyone needs to start somewhere. I have had my place trashed by guests with wonderful prior reviews. We all know many hosts do not bother to review a bad experience or are afraid of retaliation. Two years with no reviews? My SIL has had an account for years so her hubby who books can share an itinerary with her. She may decide to book herself one day. There could be so many reason for this. What else is a red flag? Asking for privacy? I reported here that I had several guests in a row assuming my apartment is actually a free standing house. Apartment upstairs, other guests, shared spaces were mentioned 12 times in my listing (I counted) and it said "you are renting an apartment". Perhaps this person had a similar experience and wants to clarify. I would rather have that question asked up front. I also saw nothing wrong with the tone. It is so hard to relay tone in a short message. I know I often come off rude when I have no intentions of sounding that way.
Perhaps the next question to the guest should be "what brings you to the house?" along with "I am next door so always nearby to help but you will have full privacy at the property itself".
“We all know many hosts do not bother to review a bad experience or are afraid of retaliation“. Exactly. I have hosted both new and older profiles with no reviews, some not the best, some great. Absolutely it’s not always the case, but there certainly does exist the possibility that a guest who has been on Airbnb for awhile with no reviews may be a troublesome guest whom prior hosts have chosen not to review at all, rather than just write them a positive review.
With this inquiry, it was ALL the factors taken together, rather than any one individual. But the biggest turnoff for me was his opening message. First impressions do matter. Sure, this guest may actually have been harmless in his intentions, but honestly, if someone lacks enough sense to be mindful of how they make a first inquiry, then I’m not sure I want to trust them in my house. Even for one night. Add in everything else and it just wasn’t worth investigating further.
for me the red flag is that the person hasn't even acknowledged the host, greeted them or treated them with any respect. i've learnt that these guests are more than often the ones that will 'do what they want' and for me that's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you're talking about a BNB that hosts more than 2 people it can mean trouble
@Michelle2137 Indeed. This is why the communication process with a potential guest is undoubtedly the most important and informative part of the vetting process.
@Inna22 I get what you are saying but . . .
@Colleen253 I think this is the biggest thing that many guests did not understand. That being, how important the initial message is. If all else is the exact same, one of these inquiries would get my utmost respect and the other would result in a one-word pass. Can you guess which one?
Guest 1: "Hi Emilia, your home looks beautiful and I would love to book for the night. I am wondering what level of privacy I will have? With all that is going on in the world, privacy is my biggest concern. Any reassurance you have would be great. Thank you!"
Guest 2: "i want privacy. does this house have it?"
I had a guest approach me in a similar matter this week. I politely answered the question then blocked her. eezy peezy. I now know if people are polite and excited to stay with me, that's my people.
Obviously this is the biggest red flag imaginable. I would tell them no way in hell they will be staying on my property and that I will be home anytime I feel like it as it is home!