Every year we have a family vacation together, this year we rented a cottage from Airbnb for 4 days / 3 nights in May for over $1500. On our first day in the cottage right after dinner around 7pm, one of my family member went to the washroom in the basement, the washroom has no windows. There was a bat hide near the toilet, and bite her on the foot. They went to the emergency in a local hospital which is about 45 minutes away, after examed by the doctor, the doctor decided to order rabies shot for my family member.
After talking to the host, he asked us to leave the property, but two of my family members were still waiting in the hospital, and it's getting quite late to pack up all the stuff and drove back home, he said we can leave next morning.
After we came home, we start talking to Airbnb customer support, and open a case. After a few days, they refund 1/3 of the rental amount (around $600), and we continued to negoitiate with them. They passed us around from customer support --> claims department --> insurance department, and finally give us another $400 back. When we asked them what is the reason that they will not issue us the full refund, and provide some compensation. They said the refund is based on their policy, and will not provide any reason. Is there anything we can do to complain, and pursue our refund?
Three of my family members took time off for this family trip, and the vacation went down the drain, and one of them had to receive 7 rabies shot. This is so unfair. What can we do to complain about this incident.