Short story... We have a relatively new listing in our accou...
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Short story... We have a relatively new listing in our account. We have several older listings, we are superhosts, I have bee...
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I don’t know what to do or how to go about this .
my guest booked the house (I live in the annexe area same house ) he claimed he was working in the area so it suited him . Booked for 3 people. As he arrived for 2 nights the only 2 people arrived he said the other was coming tomorrow. He spent the whole day inside the house with All the blind fully closed even the kitchen . Which made me a little suspicious nevertheless I thought nothing of it and they remained in the house all day until the next day when 2 more young couple arrived wearing explicit clothes . After 2 hours the first couple started to leave with and. Whole load of filming equipment was coming out of the house now into the car . ( i checked the ring camera to see if they were checking out and i noticed what was being were loaded into the car it was lots of equipment for filming. The blinds were back up and he handed the keys to the second couple whom left after a few hours . I want to write a review about him so I can make others aware as he has reviews with all praises ,but how shall I put it . Any ideas
Is everyone checked out now?
You are probably guessing right but you are guessing If everyone was adult then not illegal. You can review your Airbnb Rules,, did you say yes or no to commercial photography or filming use? If you said no, then I would not state what type of commercial filming, most Hosts can figure that out, just that you suspect a violation of a House Rule and say commercial filming. You can also file an Airbnb Complaint of a violation. If you selected yes and did not make a requirement of notice then sorry all you really have is maybe a ding on communication.
Thanks for the reply . I have stated in my rules no filming and this has really put me off Airbnb as the day before I had another violation of extra guest arriving in the night all drunk and partying. It’s bad that the type of guest coming in are using your property to do these things that they would never do in their own homes .
Then just because I always like to cover my butt, haha.
Only say you suspect commercial filming, we can all figure out that it wasn''t a remake of Star Wars, and that is a violation of your House Rules.
I would submit in writing to Airbnb just to say I did.
The other thing to note just like you didn't know they didn't know. I found I have eliminated the weirdos,, I now require at check in I view all guest IDs. Don't email me anything I ddon''t take a picture but just saying everyone has to show one eliminates the pains.
I have tried that I’d tactic as well . It’s of no use . This one lied and was very polite like saying your location is great at I am working down there for a few days .
the party goers lied saying they are coming for a Rowing competition and just the 3 guest booking . Once here they left during the day and returned with so many in the middle on the night . They now had the key and could let in anyone even though I have stated no Guest . I have a big 4 bed and guests like to make the most of it for the price . It’s annoying that you only get to see the pic of the person booking after you accept.
I don’t know why guests presume you won’t find out when there is the technology of ring Cameras going off every time there is a motion .
Hi @Shabana4 👋
Sorry to hear your recent experience. A huge thanks to @Marie8425 for stopping by and sharing some guidance and support here.
@Shabana4, how are you feeling about it now? Have you made any changes to your listing to hopefully drive a positive change in the types of guests? 😊
We've had these "moviemakers" before.
One was probably a porn shoot. booked for 4 people. The one who booked it was a 40-something man, the rest were 20-something, somewhat pretty girls. The car was loaded with film equipment. After checkout, we found some marijuana in a small box on the terrace. But that's legal here, so no problem with that.
The next one was from a well known TV sales channel who was, for inexplicable reasons, shooting product sales videos. I learned this when they requested something and so I went over there, and found they had built a small set in the living area, cameras, lights everything, so I asked, and they openly told us who they were and what they were doing. Gave me a business card.
Neither one informed me of their intent to film anything before booking it.
But both guests were surprisingly nice and conscientious, left the house in perfect condition, without any issues at all. And that's really what I'm most interested in. What they do there isn't really any of my business, as long as they don't engage in something dangerous or illegal, and don't cause damage or make a big mess.