Guest was using property for filming and most likely adult

Level 2
United Kingdom

Guest was using property for filming and most likely adult

I don’t know what to do or how to go about this . 
my guest booked the house (I live in the annexe area same house ) he claimed he was working in the area so it suited him . Booked for 3 people. As he arrived for 2 nights the only 2 people arrived he said the other was coming tomorrow. He spent the whole day inside the house with All the blind fully closed even the kitchen . Which made me a little suspicious nevertheless I thought nothing of it and they remained in the house all day until the next day when 2 more young couple arrived wearing explicit clothes . After 2 hours the first couple started to leave with and. Whole load of filming equipment was coming out of the house now into the car . ( i checked the ring camera to see if they were checking out and i noticed what was being were loaded into the car it was lots of equipment for filming. The blinds were back up and he handed the keys to the second couple whom left after a few hours . I want to write a review about him so I can make others aware as he has reviews with all praises ,but how shall I put it . Any ideas 

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Buckeye, AZ


Is everyone  checked out  now?

You  are probably  guessing right but you are   guessing  If everyone was adult    then  not illegal.  You  can review your Airbnb  Rules,, did you say yes or no to commercial   photography or filming use?   If  you said no,  then  I would not state what type of commercial filming, most Hosts can  figure  that out,   just that   you  suspect a violation  of a  House Rule and say commercial  filming.    You  can  also  file an Airbnb Complaint of a  violation.  If  you selected yes and did not make a requirement  of notice then sorry all you really have is  maybe a ding  on communication.

Thanks for the reply . I have stated in my rules no filming and this has really put me off Airbnb as the day before I had another violation of extra guest arriving in the night all drunk and partying. It’s bad that the type of guest coming in are using your property to do these things that they would never do in their own homes . 


Then just because I  always like to cover my  butt,  haha.

Only say you suspect commercial  filming, we can  all  figure  out  that it wasn''t   a remake of  Star Wars,  and that is a violation of your  House  Rules.

I would  submit  in  writing   to  Airbnb   just to  say  I  did.


The other thing to note just like you didn't know they didn't know.   I found I  have  eliminated  the weirdos,, I  now require at  check in I  view  all  guest IDs.  Don't email  me  anything  I ddon''t take a picture but just saying  everyone  has to  show one  eliminates the pains.

I have tried that I’d tactic as well . It’s of no use . This one lied and was very polite like saying your location is great at I am working down there for a few days . 
the party goers lied saying they are coming for a Rowing competition and  just the  3 guest booking . Once here they left during the day and returned with so many in the middle on the night . They now had the key and could let in anyone even though I have stated no Guest . I have a big 4 bed and guests like to make the most of it for the price . It’s annoying that you only get to see the pic of the person booking after you accept. 
I don’t know why guests presume you won’t find out when there is the technology of ring Cameras going off every time there is a motion . 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Shabana4 👋


Sorry to hear your recent experience. A huge thanks to @Marie8425 for stopping by and sharing some guidance and support here. 

@Shabana4, how are you feeling about it now? Have you made any changes to your listing to hopefully drive a positive change in the types of guests? 😊



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