Hi all
i wanted to alert the airbnb hosting communuty of an alarming conversation i had with airbnb support- that a new change in recent policy now allows for guests to make up any profile name they wish and post a fake profile picture- effectively hiding their identity from hosts who have to decide to accept a booking or not
i had a man named Dominic but with a profile named Niki, a womans name that I believe is using the name Nikinas a means to misrepresent his gender as a woman
the moment i realised niki was not a woman and in fact a male called Dominic i cancelled their booking -15 minutes after accepting it- advising as a live in host I did not want to host to people not being honest who they are
airbnb is insisting, as a superhost i should get a penalty
there seems so little protections afforded hosts. So little protections for hosts, particularly live in hosts, where airbnb are already refusing to provide age and gender of guests wanting to book