Hy guys
I am looking to understand the aibnb policy to protect clients.
there is insurance for host but what about us
we book a place on airbnb at 133 euro 2 nights. We arrived, the place was scary and smelly and was middle of the night plus a game in the city so we had to pay 650 eur to take another place urgently.
prior that we reached airbnb customer support and asked for a different stay for the second night but because prices were now 400 euro/night and not 60 euro/night they told us to book another hotel and they will give us a coupon of 20 euro and 44 euro for the first night . We paid 640 and they wanted to give us 64 euro.
I want to understand, should they provide a stay and cover for the cost? And if they don’t have availability and we booked on hotels , shouldn’t they cover for the total pay?
where is the protection here? Was it our fault that the listing was not safe to stay and the prices were higher? What if we didn’t had the money? Stay in the streets, that is airbnb protection?
did you had similar case? How did you get it solved? I want to take a lawyer on this. What do you think? Who knows the policy protection for the customers?
thank you