
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Host not writing a review

Host not writing a review


As I'm new to AirBnB, I was wondering what the protocol is (if any) for reviews.  Booked and stayed at our first AirBnB, and the experience was nearly perfect.  No problem booking, instructions sent the week before the stay were detailed, and the flat was as advertised.  The only hiccup (mine) was that I had e-mailed for confirmation a couple of times in the month before the reservation just to make sure everything was OK - we were travelling abroad and I wanted to confirm that our reservation had no issues - not having used AirBnB before, I didn't want to show up and be shut out and scramble for somewhere to stay.  I couldn't get an answer from the Host, which just caused me to worry even more.  I reached out to AirBnB, and they sent a message to the host, and shortly after, I did get a conformation from the Host which eased our minds.  we sent a note when we arrived saying we checked in, we sent a note when leaving thanking them, and we responded and complied with a request to leave early so they could get cleaners in.  We left a 5 star review in under two days after leaving.  After a couple of weeks of not getting a review from the Host, we sent a Message asking if we had done something that had caused them not to leave a review.  We received no reply, and still no review.  I would just chalk this off, but we'd like to use AirBnB again, and I know Hosts would feel a little more comfortable renting to us if we had a review.  Strangely, the Host has reviewed some guests (but not all) who have stayed there after us.  I guess we're just out of luck on this?


13 Replies 13
Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Mark4416 It is unfortunate the host didn’t leave a review. I always leave a review and many hosts who post here also leave reviews. Since the host was unresponsive, it seems as if she/he may have not activated notifications. Yep, this one may have to be chalked off as a loss. At least no review is better than a negative review. I think this may be a one off. 

Level 1
Portland, OR

We’ve had very few (domestic and international) Airbnb guests not leave a review, and we very rarely mention reviews, either in person or in emails/messages. However, with domestic Spanish BDC guests it’s a different story, maybe fifty percent review, not much more than that. International BDC guests usually always review, the same as Vrbo guests do. When we first started out we’d sometimes ask folks to leave us an honest review when we were checking them out, but haven’t done that for years. Our attitude is that if someone reviews, great. If they don’t, we’re not that fussed.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



It sounds to me that this host either has poor communication skills, as you shouldn't have to call Airbnb to get an answer.


As a host, I have found it surprising how uncommunicative some other hosts have been when I've been a guest. At one place, I had to chase and chase for an answer to an important question and, when the host did respond after a few weeks, she didn't really answer the question properly. 


In terms of the review, if two weeks have already passed, then it's too late for the host to review now. You'll know if your review is already appearing on her profile.


However, I believe most hosts do leave reviews, or at least leave them once the guest has written one, so hopefully you will get your first review soon.

Thanks for the replies.  I left my review within two days of leaving.  It was 5 stars and glowing.  And now that it's been more than two weeks since the reservation ended, the Host can't leave a review now even if she wanted to?  That seems very limiting.  And I can't edit or revise my review either...........So this Host benefits from my 5 star review by having her overall rating raised, and I get nothing in terms of a review.  My review should not appear until a reciprocal review is left.  

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Here's a breakdown of how the review process works:


- Leaving a review is totally optional.


- The review process is blind, the idea being that people leave honest reviews and aren't worried about retaliation for something they wrote. 


- Both parties have 14 days from check out to leave a review. The review will be posted either once both parties have left one or, if only one party leaves one, then after the 14 day deadline has passed.


- Reviews and ratings cannot be altered after that, again, for the reasons in my second point.


- If you receive a bad review, you can ask for Airbnb to remove it, but they will only do so if it clearly violates their review or content policies (good idea to read up on that). They will not remove a review just for being untrue, even if you can prove it's untrue.


- You have the right of reply, i.e. you can leave a response to a review you have received as long as you do it within one month of the review being left.


- Finally, and this is the one that might help in your current situation, you can ask Airbnb to remove the review and ratings that you have given. Usually they will do this, so if you get a CS rep who says they can't, best to end the conversation and call again to see if you can get someone else on the line. However, they will probably ask you why you want it removed and I am not sure they will accept the host not reviewing you as a valid reason. As I've said, leaving reviews is optional. So, you will need to think of a good reason.

I cannot thank you enough for laying this out, so that I understand how the process goes. I've been through every stitch of information on reviews and somehow I was under the impression that both host and guest must leave a review within the 14 days or else neither one of them gets published. 


Thank you. 



Hello @Amber-Jeanne0 


If you want to read through the Airbnb link on how reviews work for both parties,  just click on the link below:



@Mark4416 Let me assure you a five star review is very desirable to most hosts but is not a tit for tat thing. Most hosts do post reviews and do communicate with guests. If you personally needed a review for future stays then be assured that this is a minor glitch and they will be forthcoming. Most hosts will fall over backwards for a guest that communicates . So keep it up and even without good reviews your communication skills will always open doors. Good Luck . H

Yes, I've learned how it works.  But a lot of trust is put into's the only way I know to trust a Host, and it's how a Host knows to trust a renter.  It should be treated by Hosts, renters, and AirBnB with more importance.

Lesson learned.  I'm not leaving reviews as a renter until a Host has left one for me.  

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Sure, that's one way to approach it. I also stopped leaving reviews for each and every single guest because so many of them did not bother to leave a review for me, even if they seemed delighted with their stay, thanked me profusely on departure and even promised to leave a good review. So, usually, but not in all cases, I wait to see if they leave one for me. Problem with that is, if we all play a waiting game, no one will ever leave a review! 


I think one point that you keep missing from the comments in this thread is that your experience is unusual. Most hosts do leave a review, especially if the guest leaves one for them. It's guests that tend to be slack about this more often than hosts, because it's not their actual business/income and their minds move on to other things after the stay. I've never stayed at a listing as a guest when the host didn't review me, except for when I was not the booking party. So, you got unlucky in this respect with your first stay, but from what you have said, this host had bad communication in general.  That doesn't mean that most hosts behave like that. It's actually the contrary.


So, try to put this experience behind you and not get so riled up about it. Plenty of hosts accept newbies with no reviews. I think actually the majority do (as you will see if you read this forum), and isn't that exactly what your last host did? So, it's not the end of the world. 

Level 10
Stockholm County, Sweden

@Mark4416 : I agree it is unfortunate that your first host did not write a review. Inconsiderate, even. As a host, I always review.


But not the end of the world. True, as hosts we do prefer to see that potential guests have at least one review from before, so we feel they “know how things work”. But if you write a nice message next time you book, mentioning that this is not your first time with Airbnb, even if you cannot show any reviews, that might ease some nervous hosts’ minds.

Hi, when you have negative guest its important to tell them. For the comment, even if you dont let one, after 14 days the comment they put on you will come public. If they put thing at is negative you can answer to them and tell your version and people can also see the comment you put. Sometimen i have guest that do something i dont realy appreciate but are not necessary negative guest but i put it so other host know what hapen. If you put a comment or not that dosent change that they can put their coment aniway.

Since the host was unresponsive, it seems as if she/he may have not activated notifications. Yep, this one may have to be chalked off as a loss. At least no review is better than a negative review. I think this may be a one off. 


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