How to ensure hungover guests leave on time?

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

How to ensure hungover guests leave on time?

Howdy folks! It’s ideas time!


My wife and I have identified a risk that is oh so very likely to materialise tomorrow morning. We would very much like some advice, ideas, thoughts... and luck.


You see, we (in our inexperience) did not have gaps or preparation days in our early days with Airbnb. We turned this feature on almost immediately after we realised not even break-neck speed could manage a same day turnover to our required standard... so we relaxed our bookings and added a preparation day before and after each new booking.


Tomorrow is the very last of the “same day turnover” collisions we inherited from our initial settings and we will be glad when it is behind us.


But there is a problem...


We have discovered that our current guests (lets call them “Team Hangover”) are 2 delightful, beer loving Kiwi blokes who are staying overnight to attend an Eminem concert this evening. They arrived at 2am this morning and (based on our covert Facebook research) tonight we expect they will be back late, rat 4rsed drunk and in the morning likely hungover... 


After Team Hangover checks out, we have a mad rush to prepare our place for guests staying for 2.5 weeks!  These incoming long term guests (lets call them “Team Dubai”) are Super-hosts from Dubai. Naturally, we want to present our place very well for them, at our highest standard... but they arrive at 1PM and our quickest turnover time is 4 hours (with just me). It’s a big space and lots to do... with 2 of us we should be able to get it done in 2 hours but it will be a real push if Team Hangover have left a mess... which is possible. We have also discovered they are smokers... it takes time to air the room from smokers, even if they don’t smoke inside. It “clings” and last time we had smokers it took a full day to de-stink the place, including a chlorine wipe down.


Our success tomorrow morning all hinges on our ability to get Team Hangover out on time at 10AM. If they are late, or sleep in... the whole system will fall down and we will have an unhappy Team Dubai.


So far I’m thinking we will head down tonight and mention somehow that they can’t be late in the morning.... but.... I’m not entirely sure how to say it casually enough. I’ve thought of the old “mow the lawn at 9AM tomorrow morning” trick... but it’s rather a last resort. We have also tried asking Team Dubai to not checkin until 3PM but it’s unclear if they will show up early. It sounds like they are checking out of their other accomodation in the morning and wanted to come straight over! Not good... we’ll still be cleaning....


Help me experienced hosts! What else can we do to avoid a potential disaster? 


~ Ben

85 Replies 85

Lol! I just read your update at the end of the thread after posting that comment @Ben551! Given the circumstances, I'd say 5am bedtime for the boys was a bit of a result, actually 🙂


Seriously though, I totally get that you want everything to go well and be perfect for your next guests checking in, but just play it by ear and it'll all work out grand. Always does, as long as you stay chilled about everything. 😉

@Susan17 LOL - but there's still an hour to go!


On the other hand... they're Kiwis. From my experience, made of strong stuff and well able to handle their beer. Plus they were clued-up enough to have something to eat and drink lots of water before they hit the deck... you never know - they might just manage to pull themselves together, in or around 10(ish)  ;))

@Susan17 - that's what I'm talkin' about!  LOL.  My money is on the boys.


I recently saw that strong stuff in action, and the Kiwi boys were joined by some young Irishmen.  As this happened in Croatia (I'm looking at you, @Branka-and-Silvia0), it brings it full circle.


My daughter and I pulled off the road to eat.  Front left tire of my car got stuck off the sharp edge of the narrow stone street.  A big white van pulled up behind us, so I got out of the car and made all the I'm so sorry, we're stuck! motions and gestures and faces.


Out of the van poured 8 strong young men.  Looked at the problem, and as one, picked up the car and put it back on the street, making fun of each other the whole time.  Since they were speaking English, I asked where they were from - and they called out "Ireland and New Zealand" as they jumped back in the van and drove away.


I just looked at my daughter and said, "I told you this whole place is a fairy tale."


Hahaha! Brilliant! I'm picturing that scene in my head right now 😉

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Ben551 might be worth hiring some help for this one.

@Ben0, might be a good time to break out the spiders? And an air horn? Vaccuuming outside the room is a good idea if they're dawdling. Also, consider making your accommodations no smoking. Saves a lot of mess and is safer--especially with people likely to pass out with a cigarette in hand. Good luck! Looking forward to hearing how it went.

@Scott-and-Mary-Ellen0  hahahaha I KNEW those spiders would come in handy one day!!  Damnit, why didn't I think of that!  🙂


Yeah, our place is non-smoking and there are signs everywhere.  But we know people will just sneak off and smoke in the garden anyway, so we put in our rules that if they 'must' smoke then there is a seating area in the garden they can use, which has an ashtray.

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Ben551 if the worst should come, then a fellow host should at least be understanding.


"oh my, we sure had hoped to get you in early today, but bugger if this morning's departing guest didn't have different ideas! We got them on their way and we're moving at the speed of time traveling pants*. Enjoy your day sightseeing and we'll message just the minute the space is ready for you!"


And then don't let them in one moment sooner than you want to. Extra flowers or beverage if necessary, but utterly clean & ready no matter what.


And I'm with @Ann72 it's entirely possible that these folks are pros at the late night out. And the good news is that likely they won't want to wake up and cook sausages.


*Extra credit for a cross-post reference

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Kelly149  hahahaha I see what you did there with the cross-post ref 🙂  Hey, that's actually a great suggestion.  I'm going to make a quick "preset message" now, using your suggested wording, that (if needed) I can fire off in the morning if things don't look good for Team Dubai...

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I note your Check-In time is post 3pm. So it already seems like you have made a 2 hour concession to Team-D. Polite apology and brief explanation should buy you the other two hours, including offer to drop-off luggage, pick up keys, and enjoy the scenery.


In most cases it should work fine. As you go along you may find it remarkable how understanding and appreciative Guests can be. 


But you are talking to Mr Flexible here, easy-come / easy-go is my motto.It also signals no particular pressure on either party. 


I've always applied same-day turnover and encountered very few problems. The key is  to negotiate it prior to arrival so Guests know what to expect.


The big plus Guests love it that they can arrive and depart any hour round the clock. Most of the time it works entirely in Guests favour due to travel itineraries and unavoidable delays; occasionally when necessary I need delay arrival, and I've had very few awkward situations. The point serves to reiterate that in my experience the vast majority of Guests are not particularly fussed. 


I read with astonishment on CC how many Hosts encounter problems and stress when rigid times are applied, not to mention 'additional fees' for late arrival and departure. It makes me queasy.


Finally, I do my best to avoid heavy drinkers. And smoking is on roof terrace or outside the house.

These details are all part of the screening-vetting process during inquiry.... Thus back to Square One, no IB for me. Avoid potential problems at all costs is the accompanying motto. 









Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Alon1  Hey thanks for that.  You've given me a good idea for tomorrow and reinforced my plan to write a pre-saved message today, in case anything goes wrong in the morning.  I think Team Dubai will be more understanding if I let them know what to expect.  We'll certainly offer bag drop off and key collection (had done that already, but this is an old booking so I'll remind them).


Sadly, we had no way of knowing Team Hangover were smokers until they checked in last night and saw them step outside to light up.  Avoiding folk who drink isn't really viable in our city, since the city is all about it's concerts, festivals, rugby games, football games, and various other events that often involve drinking.  You should see our glass bottle recycle bin every 2 weeks... full to the brim!  That said, we haven't had anyone misbehave beyond needing dark glasses and talking quietly the next day.  Wellington is a centre of recreational fun and tends to be a tad more civilised at least...


The heaviest drinkers we've had have been an Australian couple in their 60's (2 bottles of wine per night) and a French family of 3 adults in their 50's (3 bottles of wine per night).  I very much doubt I could have screened that out of them beforehand... and it wasn't an issue... so we roll with it.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes, communication & negotiation is the key to an harmonious arrival & departure.


Most people won't voluntarily disclose if they are smokers are not, they generally bring it up on arrival, and easily accept the House Rule.


I don't consider a bottle of a vino a night per person to be excessive, rather par for the course. And I'm almost exclusively a teetotlar. -- The thing that concerns me more is late night returnees. I politely request they enter the building quietly given I share entrance door with downstairs neighbours.







@Ben551   French on a bottle a day ? What a compliment to the NZ wines 🙂

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Marit-Anne0  Hahaha yeah they were knees up and having a great time.


To be honest, I see it as a compliment that people can relax and have a good holiday, enjoy some wine... it's a good sign people are enjoying themselves.