How to make a guest book somewhere else!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

How to make a guest book somewhere else!

This is actually a follow up to another post I made just recently about dealing with guests you would really rather not deal with.

I have said here before I don't like hagglers, guests with lots of questions.

On Monday this week I got this pre-approval request from what I would describe as my epitomy of how not to approach me and ask/request a reservation if you are a guest . 

I sat on it for a few hours, logic should tell me to just say it may be better to book somewhere else. But you just never know, they might have IB,ed me anyway.

I even wrote a draft which I posted here of what I would like to have said.


Well I decided to take the bull by the horns and have a bit of fun with this request. You might think I am a calous sh*t  but in reality, you are all behind me! None of you would want to accept a request from  an enquirer like this.

So I took great delight in sending this........and quick as a flash the message came back.....'Not Possible'....brilliant, misssion accomplished! 

Classic pre-approval.png


There are times when Airbnb can be a lot of fun!



86 Replies 86
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


You have dodged a bullet here!

Keep the rooms free for them.....silence.....and , yet more silence!

I have got reasonably good at picking them by the way they approach me. It would be interesting to know how many other hosts around the country are receiving that same message only to have the guest tie up the hosts calendar and move on to yet another.


This just re-affirms my stance on aggressive/demanding requests!



Oh god, they inquired 2th-4th July in my listing yesterday, at was a last minutes booking, I took a long time to answer all the questions and trying to do my best to help 😞 

I do not even remember my airconditioner brand so I called the building manager, he must think I am stupid.....

Level 10
Launceston, Australia

You’re wicked Muriel!

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

Dear Robin or should I say Mr Picky

I think you are being a little unreasonable for what are pertinent questions.

1) please send me a list of the white goods you would like me to install for your visit with full model and FD numbers.

2) I will commit to plumbing in a new washing machine for your exclusive use.

3) without question please let me know if you prefer tabs, liquid or powder

4) you can also have the shirt off my back


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia



You're a funny bugger Jeremy.....I think we should get together mate, between us we could write some fantastic host responses. You have a flair for it that my feeble brain has not even remotely considered!


You know, I did have someone who took me to task on another forum regarding my response. They said that it was irresponsible of me to make a message like that public. Someone could repost that to use against me either with Airbnb or in some other way that would reflect badly on me as a host.....and I guess there is some merit in that which I didn't think about.

The ironic thing is the guest has popped up again with the same list of questions for another host here, so there is every possiblity that we are going to be able to track the progress of this guest as he goes from host to host!.


Good on you Jeremy, I love your style....... and I am just a trifle jealous!   ;-((



Level 10
England, United Kingdom

The customer is not always right - but they are always the customer!

Level 10
Belle, WV

@Robin4 I do LOVE to read your posts! One of three things will happen; I learn something valuable, I laugh until I wet myself, or both! 😉 

Just a few days ago I received an inquiry for a night stay next week. The wife at first asked if I would consider a discount as the couple are newly wed, and the husband just graduating with a masters degree. He is coming to the area for a job interview ad a local university. I agreed to a measly 10% discount, a nice round number. 

The next message asked how far the university is from my place (easily Googled). I replied 13 miles/21 km. 

The next message stated after thinking things through a little more he would need to come in a day earlier, and according to ABB my rate is $28, would I honor that rate for both days. I told the husband this one is a problem. I informed her that $28 is not the rate, to plug in the dates to reserve and see the correct rates, but I would extend the 10% for the additiona day.


Then came the deal breaker. "I notice your checkout time is 9. His interview is not till 1 pm, it would be nice if he could stay later so he could prepare for his interview."

"No. Checkin and checkout times are firm."


She did not book.

Sometimes it does drive me crazy. No-tell motels don't let you just stay past checkout because of an afternoon appointment. Why do potential guests feel they can ask all these things? I had a guy this week tell me I need to put a mini refrigerator and a microwave in the room. I don't want people cooking in that room. The cheek!

---> That's how I look at most guests, like cousins. And you know, some of those cousins are kooks.
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Oh Robin please......I don't want to be held responsible for any bladder leakage issues! Perhaps you should stop reading my posts!


Robin, my feeling is hosting is so much fun, because it is fun....I make it that way.

Have you ever noticed that you will meet someone who, on introduction, you would be prepared to dislike and not have anything to do with! As soon as you are forced to converse you start to open up and see this person for who they are and in no time at all ....well you know what I mean!

I look for the best in people and I am very rarely let down, and I think that my attempt at humour has a bit to do with that.

I tend to monopolise conversations and that is not always good! At times we will be out and Ade will lean over and say in my ear...."For Christ sake, shut up and give someone else a go"! But I find me being talkative gets others to be talkative as well.

I probably bring that here into the CC as well but hopefully it helps.


There is probably a self preservation component attached to this as well Robin. I have had my fair share of difficulty, let down and sadness in my life. To sit across a neurologists desk in the Canberra Hospital 2 years ago and listen to this specialist tell me another of my girls has got MS......was one of the worst days of my life! It felt like Groundhog many times in my life do I have to go through this, and I could at times easily let myself  become a psychotherapist lifelong study case.

But I refuse to let the 'glass half empty' person enter my life....which reminds me, my glass is in fact almost empty,  so it is time I looked for a refill!



Level 10
Belle, WV

@Robin4 Father Time is the cause, you are simply a catalyst. 😉 

I'm sorry to hear of the additional diagnosis. My best girlfriend struggled with MS for many years. Life is unfair to everyone from time-to-time. We just do the best we can.

It is only lunchtime here, a bit early for drink. Enjoy a little for me!

---> That's how I look at most guests, like cousins. And you know, some of those cousins are kooks.

You are my hero! Well done! I needed this laugh today!


Level 2
Elwood, Australia

Your response is priceless.  Do you mind if I copy it in the event that I may need to use it in the future?  I am very new to hosting (6 months) and already had one grimy guest who left the place in a disgusting condition and was not happy with the negative feedback I gave her - called me a Nazi (twice).  It is indeed a steep learning curve navigating my way on this AirBnb journey but enjoying it nevertheless

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Stuttgart, Germany