How would you respond if a guest asks to do their laundry in a short stay?
I’ve noticed that guests from a specific region ask to do their laundry in a short stay! I have a guest who just arrived today and asked if he could use the washing machine tomorrow! I found this to be a tricky topic.., as I’ve noticed a lack of care. I’m new to Airbnb so I got a bit carried away! I always try to be helpful but the experience just showed they are using carelless! I have a smart washing machine and most guests just don’t check the instructions and use it wrong. How should I approach this topic? Added to my house rules? Say no since is a short stay.?
For my homeshare listing I have in my house rules that I offer access to my washing machine for guests staying five days or more @Thainara4 - normally one wash a week for their personal items .
you can also add that you will need to help them set this up at a time that's mutually convenient to both parties .
as you don't mention this in your listing I would suggest you agree a suitable time with the guest to do the wash.
do you have a laundry near you. I do so easy for guests staying less than five days to do their laundry .
We don't offer on-site laundry, so I would just just take them to a nearby laundromat. It would be a bit odd for guests that's only staying for 1-2 days to ask to do the laundry, but what the heck, I would still take them there.
@Zheng49 I've had guests who have traveled to other places, including camping, who have politely asked if they could do washing when they have stayed for 1 or 2 nights.
None of us should ever assume.
@Thainara4 Include in your listing that a washing machine "may" be available if it is.
Women tend to need to wash personals as may those who have medical matters like Incontinence which are sensitive personal matters so always be respectful.