My listing has been rejected for the category "Amazing Pools...
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My listing has been rejected for the category "Amazing Pools" 3 times. I have called each time to get absolutely no help. I...
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Within 30 minutes this evening I got the worst review I have ever had, and also one of the best.
I don't stress about reviews any more, they just emphasise what a weird and diverse bunch we humans are.
Here was my worst......
And 30 minutes later came this one from a guest who arrived two nights after the one above!
So, there you go, I go from being a totally unsatisfactory Airbnb host to one of the best within 48 hours.
This is why it's no good taking any notice of the Airbnb review system....who is correct and accurate here? The first review or the second, they can't both be right. What do prospective guests learn from this? All they learn is to not trust anything they's sort of counter productive!
Until this evening out of 508 reviews I have only ever had three 3 star reviews and I have never copped a 1 star in any category before.
Never mind, it will be more than another 100 reviews before another 3 star comes along, whereas I know I can depend on another 90 5 star reviews in that next 100!
I guess it reminds me of that old saying...."You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all the time"!
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Hi Rob
its interesting that you have picked up on something above which seems to have shifted recently. There are alot of newbies booking Airbnbs at the moment. The request to book comes with very little info and limited engagement, despite my best efforts! 😉 Happy to help anyone but there is some disproportionate expectation that you are running a hotel (as you say with concierge, guest check in 24/7 aka middle of the night with no advanced warning). Well that’s been my recent experience! I’ve done my very best to accommodate where I can. But definitely a shift. Best wishes and good luck Rachel
@Robin4 The review system paints more of a picture of the reviewer than it does the accommodation. What a stark contrast in those two! I feel sad for the first guest, as their life must be very dark, cold and sad. The other guest is full of energy and sunshine. Yes, people are interesting.
I agree entirely. Luckily, most of my guests are the first type, otherwise I wouldn't still be doing this!
There are other people that just like to complain about something or many things but end up leaving a lovely review and 5* regardless. They are not actually unhappy, it's just a personality trait and is often cultural I find. The British, for example, are known to love a moan. That doesn't mean we are all miserable 🙂
Then there is another type and almost every guest who has given me low ratings fits in this category. Their reviews and ratings don't come as any surprise because I can tell within minutes of them walking through the front door that they are looking to find fault. Most guests will compliment at least one thing in the house during the welcome tour, but often several. At the least, they will express that they are happy with their rooms. When guests simply don't comment, it usually means trouble! The last time it happened, I did initially hope that the guest was just tired from a long journey, but no, the miserable, hard-done-by expression was basically how he looked all the time!
@Robin4 's 3 star guest wrote that "the hosts does everything to assist guests" but still left 4* for check in and communication. They make no mention of the location, which I assume they were happy with (otherwise for sure they would have complained about that too) but left a 4* as well. They are obviously just not the type to ever leave 5* for anything. Okay, a lot of people are like that, as they only rate 5* for the truly exceptional, but most people don't write a list of complaints in the private feedback without a single thank you for the hospitality they were offered.
I have never met them, so I don't know how they came across in person, but the worst review and ratings I ever got were from a couple who just seemed utterly miserable with their lives. They had been married a long time but barely had a word to say to each other and never once went out for dinner together in the eight days they stayed in London. The only thing they seemed to take pleasure in was complaining. I guess everyone has to have some sort of hobby, right?
Colleen, now I look back, much of the fault lies with me, I ignored all the advice I give here on the CC!
This guest had every red flag imaginable, but I have been having such a good run it all just slipped under my radar.
This guest was new to Airbnb.
Guest came with no initial message.
Guest has no profile picture.
The booking was waiting verification.
Guest could not work out how the platform worked.
He didn't know if his payment had gone through.
So, there you go, you can't blame the guest if I didn't do my job and realise this booking might not be a good fit for me!
When this booking first came to me it came with no message, just an email from Airbnb to say that a current booking was requiring verification, so I jumped in and trying to be that good helpful host sent a welcome message. I won't put that message stream up here because I don't think the moderators would be comfortable with it but, like an ostrich I stuck my head in the sand, totally disregarded all the advice I have given over the years.....and, well, the rest is history!
@Robin4 Its the struggle to understand the physcology of these people sometimes. I mean ....did they look at the pics , the price , the amenities ,the rules ,the location or just stick a pin in a map and close their eyes.Hosts are bending over backwards to invite people and give them the real lowdown and then they dont like it even though they chose it . Jaded I would say .H
Yeah, you wonder what the thought processes that go through their heads are.
Look it's not going to hurt me Helen, I am still sitting on that 4.91, I am just a bit sorry that his private feedback is not showing up on his review of me. The review wasn't that bad, he actually praised the bed, but calling us 2 star accommodation after viewing my record sort of tells the world he is a difficult nut to crack.
But his private feedback really did show his colours though and it's a pity that's just between me and him, my review of him gives other hosts confidence that he is a reasonably good guest, and that is misleading.
Once again just another misleading strategy of the whole Airbnb review system, there is nothing about it you can trust. It's only objective is to make Airbnb look good, it doesn't do any favours to either hosts or guests!
Take care H....and go easy on that swearing, you might say something you really mean!!!
@Robin4 Also, we were all very concerned about bookings drying up, i too have jumped at all of them just to keep the calendar filled. No photo is a red flag but if they were oldies I would have overlooked that too. Not being able to use the site, also quite common in that age group. Don't blame yourself, they are just newbies who are more likely suited to hotels, and clearly are not happy with anything in life. (did you waste all your lovely goodies on them too? boo. save those paris creek cheeses for me please! haha)
(was down last week, when winter decided to arrive, we actually went into the Bark twice and enjoyed the +2º temp difference! haha. Not sure i'm going to brave a return visit until September. Also you need better pics, I can help you with that next time i'm down)
Yes I did give them all my goodies Gill, but I would have anyway, I don't draw distinctions, I treat every guest the same. Any advice you have, I am all ears.
What I am finding Gill is my lead booking time has closed in altogether since the search program alterations. I used to get most of my bookings months ahead. Like you they would book for weddings in the area, upcoming holidays and the like. But because my visibility has slipped from very prominent to well down the search rankings the only bookings I am getting now are the last minute opportunists. Those that need a night or two next week, suddenly find themselves needing any accommodation they can get for a specific near date, so they are searching by available date as their only search criteria.
We have heard 'crickets chirping' from up above, they must be fully aware of what is happening, but are either going to tough it out or simply keep us in the dark as they have shown a propensity to do in the past. Obviously we can't go on having our business ripped out from underneath us, so I am taking steps to get around this latest hosting glitch.
I have had a lucrative offer for accommodation requirements of the University of Adelaide for visiting staff and professionals, so I am progressively blocking my Airbnb calendar for upcoming chunks of the remainder of this year. It's not much good sitting waiting for the winds to change, we need to be pro-active.
Talk soon hey Gill, I am looking forward to that next coffee!
@Robin4 Funny I’m having the opposite, we are getting bookings further in advance than normal, and subsequently I’ve had more cancellations than previously. People booking 6-7 weeks out, then within a week they cancel.
we are having last minute bookings too but it seems to be at the same rate as before.
The reason for that Gill is, you fit more neatly into their new search box criteria than I do.
I don't have anything special to offer other than my style. I am not a tree house, a farm stay, an earth house, I don't have an endless swimmer, no golf course within walking distance, no gym or Jacuzzi, and there is certainly no 30ft yacht moored anywhere near here.
All I can offer is a very comfortable night in a cosy home style won't see a box that says that on the new Airbnb search page, despite the fact that this is precisely what Airbnb promoted to potential guests for the first few years of their operation, and what made them successful.
I have been superseded Gill, I am a redundant hosting model.
It's ok though there is always a brave new world out there, a new tomorrow, I am accessing it and I look forward to another few solid's just that Airbnb might be less of a part in that, and that is their loss, not mine!
I don't for one second think you are a redundant hosting model (although you know there's now a 5room motel opening in Woodside, I'm actually just hoping this makes the Hills even more popular for a weekend away); it's just that Airbnb has lost its way. this happens A LOT with these silicon valley types, they become Gods with their inventions and forget they don't really know much about everyday people, and start making rules, policies and products that none of us actually need or want.
Mate this is our territory, this is the Adelaide Hills, people in other parts of the world dream of a patch of country like ours.
Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens right now in Autumn.....
Main street of Stirling.
Golding Wines in hahndorf.
Dining out in an Adelaide hills environment......
Sipping wines at Shaw and Smith winery....
Shopping in Hahndorf....
This is us mate, this is what we offer to the rest of the world. Have you ever had a meal at 'The Haus''s a great experience!
A neighbour of mine some years ago said...."Mt Barker is the best place to live on earth"!
I said to him..."Graham coming from you I don't thing much of that, you haven't lived anywhere else"! We have, we have lived lots of places and I have to agree with him, this is the best place on earth to live!
Gill, you are doing well, so am I and every other Airbnb host in this area, why on earth would Airbnb want to compromise what we are doing!
my house last week!
and whilst I do agree it's a stunning part of the world, I still adore Sydney (if only it weren't so crowded all the time) and Qld in winter is winning for me right now. But, the food in SA is just the best, and yes of course I've been to the Haus, I could give you a long list of places to try in the Hills (I need to email you my spreadsheet of restaurants and btw I know what's going into the old Millie's spot). You know i'm relocating full-time back to the Hills, and i'm still very hopeful that STR is going to continue to be a winning option for us.
Hi Rob
its interesting that you have picked up on something above which seems to have shifted recently. There are alot of newbies booking Airbnbs at the moment. The request to book comes with very little info and limited engagement, despite my best efforts! 😉 Happy to help anyone but there is some disproportionate expectation that you are running a hotel (as you say with concierge, guest check in 24/7 aka middle of the night with no advanced warning). Well that’s been my recent experience! I’ve done my very best to accommodate where I can. But definitely a shift. Best wishes and good luck Rachel
Right on!!