The guest engaged in unethical behavior, including threats, ...
The guest engaged in unethical behavior, including threats, verbal abuse, and extortion, and their review contains misleading...
Within 30 minutes this evening I got the worst review I have ever had, and also one of the best.
I don't stress about reviews any more, they just emphasise what a weird and diverse bunch we humans are.
Here was my worst......
And 30 minutes later came this one from a guest who arrived two nights after the one above!
So, there you go, I go from being a totally unsatisfactory Airbnb host to one of the best within 48 hours.
This is why it's no good taking any notice of the Airbnb review system....who is correct and accurate here? The first review or the second, they can't both be right. What do prospective guests learn from this? All they learn is to not trust anything they's sort of counter productive!
Until this evening out of 508 reviews I have only ever had three 3 star reviews and I have never copped a 1 star in any category before.
Never mind, it will be more than another 100 reviews before another 3 star comes along, whereas I know I can depend on another 90 5 star reviews in that next 100!
I guess it reminds me of that old saying...."You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all the time"!
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Hi Rob
its interesting that you have picked up on something above which seems to have shifted recently. There are alot of newbies booking Airbnbs at the moment. The request to book comes with very little info and limited engagement, despite my best efforts! 😉 Happy to help anyone but there is some disproportionate expectation that you are running a hotel (as you say with concierge, guest check in 24/7 aka middle of the night with no advanced warning). Well that’s been my recent experience! I’ve done my very best to accommodate where I can. But definitely a shift. Best wishes and good luck Rachel
Exactly. We know how it works and how much anything less than 5* can hurt a host. This host ran a traditional B&B and only used airbnb for a small percentage of her bookings so she only had a handful of reviews and a good rating (I suspect it was the low number of bookings that prevented her from having Superhost status).
Had I not been a host and known that a 4* would have had quite a negative impact on her ratings, then I probably would have left 4*. After all, as much as the listing was pretty good overall, there were several things that were a bit off. I just figured that the positives and negatives evened out, and that means a 5* from me. I definitely would not have felt that way if I was just a guest. Instead, I would have felt that the number of negatives justified knocking off at least one star and I probably would have mentioned some in the review.
Is this what is going on nowadays between guests and hosts in Australia?
(scroll down to video, its hilarious)
Yeah we are a tough breed down here in Australia Fred. There is an old saying....."The poms introduced into Australia rabbits, foxes and themselves"!.....But they didn't anticipate dealing with Australia wildlife.
We have to cope with 'Drop bears' !!!! They wait in trees and when an unsuspecting human walks below they fall out of the tree and devour the poor unsuspecting human......
Some of them even holster automatic weapons so they can attack from afar!
We have stingrays a plenty like that one that killed the crocodile hunter himself, Steve Irwin.
We have Redback spiders that can kill a human with a single bite......
We have Death Adder snakes.....
One of the deadliest snakes in the world,
Fred, we have to put up with a lot down here in order to live in this country that dreams are made of!
But, if I have to fight off the odd kangaroo or drop bear, or even a bloody death adder snake, no problems, I am an Aussie, I am up to the task!
But dealing with some of these Airbnb guests is a serious challenge, even for someone like me!
@Fred13 not sure that's "hilarious". Kangaroos can be cute but actually are really dangerous, esp the young males. we had a dead one on our farm and I took some close up pics of the claws. There method of attack is to disembowel animals, I am always worried when my dogs chase them, because I fear the roo will win. Not sure why that roo would be attacking dogs, or a human, they are vegetarians. (clearly grumpy and just need a good steak and a glass of red wine)
Correction: "Kangaroos are a funny-looking animal and odd in behavior like many Australian fauna, but they can be very dangerous. There is nothing funny about them however, when you consider their lethal claws for example, see above."
Well that took the fun out of the story.
Guys, kangaroos are not aggressive creatures, many have become pets on properties!
4 years ago a few of us got together and did a promotional video on the Adelaide Hills, and kangaroos got a pretty good wrap in that video. With Cam, Rosa and Charles the idea was to promote what we have to the world. It didn't set the world on fire but it does give a good insight into what we have to offer here in the Adelaide Hills.
This was followed up by a series of other blogs from around the state.
@Robin4 well, like dogs, which can be lovely pets, in the wild are not so lovely!
Hi everyone,
I should have joined these conversations 8 years ago, so refreshing knowing that my journey through this crazy ride was not all an isolated incident lol..