In praise of my "Also a Host" guests

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

In praise of my "Also a Host" guests

I only seem to read negative experiences on the forum re hosting guests who are hosts themselves, so I thought I'd share my experience.


I recently hosted 4 guests in a row who were also hosts, which was a strange thing, as they are the first ones I've had in 3 years of hosting. I was a bit nervous, as I've read how much other hosts have said they dread these bookings.


All of them were lovely guests- no complaining, no unsolicited advice, expressed lots of appreciation, left their space clean and tidy, and left nice, 5* reviews.


Perhaps it helped that all were home-share hosts like me, but whatever the reason, I now will no longer worry when I see a booking request from another host.


31 Replies 31
Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

5 or 6 hosts so far. Nothing unusual. One asked for a small discount.

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Sarah977  I spoke too soon. Just hosted a (former) host. All went well, nothing to indicate any dissatisfaction  (I always say 'let me know...") I also ask for feedback with the review...nothing to improve...all great!!  "We had everything we needed and more"! Great review. Then I see it: 3 stars for value. There were 5 in his party. All beds used. $186 nightly rate, and he's getting a promotional discount I have on right now...private acreage in a stunning location, fully loaded house...42 amenities, not to mention a 6 person hot tub, wood burning fireplace with 'all you can eat' PREMIUM BIRCH firewood supplied (he clearly has no idea the VALUE in that!). 3 STARS for value. As a host, he knows what 3 star anything means. It actually feels vindictive, and I honestly don't get it. I invited them to come back I want to go block his stingy azz.

@Dimitar27 @Helen350 @Julia2540 @Chastity3 @Helen3 @Delwyn3 @Jennifer1421 @Kevin1322 


@Sarah977  Sorry to be a downer on your nice post...I did try, earlier... 😥

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Colleen253  😞  😞  😞     So sorry to hear that. Just had to ding you somewhere, huh?  I'd be sorely tempted to send him a private message- "Thanks for the nice review, but Value 3*s? What did you expect, a case of Glenlivet thrown in? "

@Sarah977 Yep, his 3 star tarnished my perfect neat and tidy 5 stars in every category. I'm going to send some kind of comment in return for sure....then go block him!

@Colleen253  Breathe a sigh of relief he didn't do it on the Overall rating. I'm now back up to a neat and tidy 5*s everywhere, too, but I wasn't always. A guest (not a host) who rated 5*s in every other category rated 4*s for location. I messaged her when she booked, asking if she had read it was a 20 minute walk to town, like I do all my guests. She said yes, then sent me a list of 20 other questions, one of which was how far it was to the yoga studio where she'd be taking a course. I told her the place was right in town, and on the closer end, so same approximate walking time. I was also nice enough to offer to pick her up from the Airbnb she was staying in right before mine, which was also in town, with her luggage, saving her a long walk (which she'd never have been able to do anyway, with all the luggage she had) or a $6 taxi ride. The first night she arrived in town, and was staying at the other place, she had the balls to text me at 3 AM, saying there was loud music nearby that was keeping her awake and did I know what it was. 

I had a spidey sense when she booked and I saw her photo, which looked quite corporate, suit and pearls, that she might be a pain. She was actually quite friendly and had a good sense of humor, but all her other stuff was just weird.

@Sarah977 Honestly. Some people.🙄


Yes, I am glad it was a 5 star overall and in the other categories, but because of all that, a tad confused too. Why 3 then in value! And no feedback about it even though I asked. As a host, he should know how things work. At least give feedback, otherwise whats the point? That's why it feels a bit vindictive, but I can't understand why that would be the case. Wait...probably purchase guilt! Oh well. Now to try to shake it off. Bad vibes. No good.

@Colleen253  I wonder if he did it by mistake? Just hit the screen wrong and never noticed? But then why not answer your request for feedback? Makes no sense.

@Sarah977  I wondered that too, mistake? But I think it's hard to make a mistake on that. I suspect if not a mistake...perhaps a bit tight with the wallet and needed to relieve purchase guilt somehow? 🤷‍♂️ That's the thing...without any feedback, I'm left to wonder...and suspect BECAUSE no feedback, my inkling is supported.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Colleen253 Some people just expect to pay next to nothing, & complain if they don't! - Maybe they think they can drive down prices that way?  The guy who just gave me 4* value for my £20 room was a doctor between two shifts, on inflated locum rates, no doubt. What is £20 + £3 fee to him against two days work at the hospital?

@Helen350  If you went any lower, you'd be paying him to stay. I guess people who are that tight with their money just don't have the ability to recognize value. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

I think the value measure is stupid. Guests know what the listing costs and whilst a place in central London is way more expensive compared to our humble abode in deepest darkest Derbyshire it doesn't mean it is any less value. Unless the listing is misrepresented (ie a low accuracy rating) people accept the 'value' when they book and should not be allowed to then complain. (in my opinion!)

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Sarah977 @Colleen253 @Kevin1322 @Delwyn3  

Well, I need to VENT! I've just had a 4* overall mark from a fellow host whose 'private  note' in the review read "I enjoyed your place although with mix feeling due to what happened to me." - What happened to him was that his OWN house 200 miles away, was burgled whilst he was staying at mine! (And he wasn't insured!) So he went home early & couldn't book a second night, & work another shift to justify the long journey. HOW IS ANY OF THAT MY FAULT?!!!!

- Gave 4* for value too, on a £20 room, in winter, with heating, wifi & breakfast! 4* for cleanliness too; well, - fair doos downstairs, which is very "doggy", but he spent no time downstairs (going straight  to bed, needing to be back at work 10 hours later), & the bedroom & bathroom are spotless, unless another guest has messed up the bathroom.... AND he stayed 17th March when we were all beginning to get squiffy about 'The Virus', AND he was a nurse, come straight from the hospital ..... And a same day (late afternoon) booking, very short notice... So, what a way to repay me for letting him in!


I sent a shirty P.M. back. He messaged straight  back to say he was sorry & had no idea, he was a new (ish) host, & did not know how it all worked... (after I'd explained in excruciating detail the 4.7 thing!) He said he'd ask to have it removed, but I replied to let it stand, cos the public words were OK, & my 310 reviews will 'swallow' it. - Another one educated!

@Helen350 omg 4 stars for value when you provide breakfast...   My short lived airbnb career is over.   I am planning on selling the house I live in asap and moving to the house I rent.  Losing all my bookings has made me fast track a plan that was intended for in a year or two.  All this has made me realise life is too short to wait.   I will not miss being a host.  We have just started a 4 week lock down in NZ and expect it to go longer so can't do much for a while...


Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Delwyn3 Ah! I see! I wondered why you'd been absent here of late...... All the best & enjoy the house... including that dreadful slope to the beach, lol!

@Helen350 haha yes I will write myself a bad review and complain about it!    thanks, not sure when we will get to enjoy the house, we are 3.5 hours away.   Lots of painting to do here so time not wasted!