Messages no longer compiling into one thread

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Messages no longer compiling into one thread

Until Last week, every new booking from a previous guest just added a new line into a single chat thread. Now I get a new chat start every time a repeat guest books, anyone else getting this?

12 Replies 12
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Tim3904 Sadly yes. Who knows if this is a programming glitch or intentional on Airbnb's part.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Tim3904 and @Mike-And-Jane0, I hope both of you are doing well.


I would like to follow up on this. Are messages still not consolidating into a single thread?


Please keep us updated.



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Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Hi @Paula 


no they are still not - this is incredibly annoying, as we have a number of repeat guests, and are still getting a new chat thread every single time they book, rather than a single thread. Really needs to be chat per guest, not per booking. 

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

As a further update - this remains an issue. 

Yes, this is happening for me too. New message thread per booking.

This is happening to me too and it is so frustrating not to be able to look back at past messages with a repeat guest. 


@Tim3904. Yes, still happening but on a positive note at least they are being counted as returning guests. 🙂

Hi There @Frances3408 

Can you tell us how to seeing they are “returning guests”. We’ve just been hoping we recognize names. Would be get to see if they are returning. Thank you! 

@Christopher2202. Not showing in messages, but does show in Insights stats so Airbnb does know and can track but agree we should be able to easily as well.


Its as other posters here have said.  The worst I am finding is when a booking request lapses then they come back to you the next day, its in a brand new message and everything discussed in the previous message isnt connected. Gets really confusing at review time too.


@PaulaI think Airbnb needs to fix this.

Level 2
Pickens, SC


Absolutely very frustrating! as you can see in this photo I have four message threads for the same Guest. It is so difficult to track which contains the actual reservation and which contains a conversation because sometimes they are split right in the middle of a conversation. It’s especially frustrating with a new guess because they think we don’t know what we’re talking about. When we see one message thread and respond accordingly, but did not see a new message threat that was populated it can seem incompetent to them. Also, I like knowing that I have a return guest whether good or bad. If bad I am not going to rebook them. If they were a great guest, I want to compliment them and tell them how excited I am for them to return. I loved the personal aspect of having one message thread previously and being able to quickly remember details about the guest just by quickly scrolling through previous messages. Airbnb, please fix this issue! I have even missed out on bookings because of this previously.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @April502! 👋


Since this post is from a few months ago, what do you think about creating a new post to discuss this?👀
Doing so would increase the chances of active members joining the conversation and providing their advice. 🙂


Best wishes, 


Level 2
Anchorage, AK

I have no idea how accurate it is but when I called Airbnb support today over this issue they told me everything was functioning as intended. 😡 This whole situation makes me so angry.