
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Month-long guest has checked out and is demanding a partial refund.

Level 2
New York, New York, United States

Month-long guest has checked out and is demanding a partial refund.

Hello all! I am having a very difficult time with a very difficult woman.


An airbnb user booked my apartment for her parents for a little over a month (so I offered a 50% discount), during which time she had a baby. She was easygoing at first, then as the reservation date came up, she became more pedantic and irritable. I assumed it was because she was about to have a baby, so I tried to placate her and respond as quickly as I could to all of her questions (which were about 5x a day for a week and a half).


They checked in and broke the lock on my front door. They threatened (in a very rude way) to cancel the reservation if the lock wasn't fixed before the end of the day but also complained of having nowhere else to go as no apartments were available nearby. I didn't need any threats to get the lock fixed by the end of the day, but I think they thought throwing a tantrum was the only way to get my attention. I would have fixed the lock whether they had been rude or the paragons of politeness. I had the lock fixed, emailed them to let them know, and heard nothing back.


Three days later, I get another complaint that the apartment is "disgusting, dirty, and unliveable." They also mention they have nowhere else to go and are stuck. As I'm already familiar with their overreactions, I offer to have a professional maid service to come in a clean, if they wouldn't mind letting her in. They are not comfortable with having a stranger come in to clean. I offer to have a trusted friend of mine to come clean (as I am not in town) if they will just let me know what precisely they want to be cleaned so I can make sure they're happy. I also tell them I have a few friends who host, though their apartments are nearly twice as expensive as mine, and I offer to get them in touch and perhaps get a discount, since they're staying so long. I hear nothing back.


Three weeks after check in, I contact the airbnb-user-new-mom to make sure everything is ok with the apartment and if she would like a maid to come in. I hear nothing.


I messaged again three days before check out to see when her parents are planning to leave and wishing them the best on their journey home, and congratulations on her having a baby. She responds with:


"Hi Christiana - we were extremely upset and disappointed with the apartment. It was very dirty and run down. We took pictures of the furniture and the dirt accumulated. My parents couldn't even sit on the sofa! The stains, the dust, the bugs!The place needs to be completely renovated! With the birth of the baby, the unexpected C-section, complications with the apartment, it has been an extremely stressful month and not the experience we paid for. I will be contacting Airbnb to place a formal complain and request a partial refund. We paid a lot of $ for an apartment that is not suitable to live in. Let me know if you want to work this out between you and I. If not I will initiate the process with Airbnb and seek legal advise as well. Thanks."


I was surprised, to say the least! I asked her what exactly she would like for me to do to make her happy, and she responded that she would like a refund of $1290, which is a little more than a third of the total  reservation fee. I feel like that's far too much to refund her, especially as I was trying to be as helpful and accomodating as possible. My cleaning fee is $40, so I thought the least I could do is refund that, though it seems like a slap in the face to her.


[As a little backstory, my boyfriend and I deep-cleaned the apartment from top to bottom two weeks before she arrived. We bought new sheets, dishware, pots and pans, and semi-renovated the bathroom. It looks even better than when I moved in, so I am absolutely sure the apartment is not as dirty as she perceives it to be.]


What would you say is fair in this situation? I want to make her happy but I don't want to be taken advantage of.


Thanks for reading and for any advice you can give me! She checked out three days ago so I want to get this squared away as soon as possible.



Top Answer
Level 10
California, United States

@Christiana1, if what you say is accurate, you are dealing with an extremely unreasonable person, and perhaps a scammer.  For a guest to perceive that an apartment which has been deep-cleaned is "very dirty and run down", suggests either a highly distorted perspective, or an intent to perpetrate fraud/scam by making false claims.  I find the part in the guests' communication regarding how guest will ostensibly seek "legal advice" to be quite telling.  This is a good clue of someone who is a scammer/bully -- it is one of the tell tale signs of bully scammers that they are not interested actually in getting problems resolved, but would rather file claims for $ afterwards and go about threatening legal action against others.  


The fact that this guest made such a fuss about the place needing to be cleaned, but then would not let you send someone to do any cleaning, even though you apparently offered to have someone come and clean 3 different times, makes clear to me that this guest had no interest in actually getting any perceived problems resolved, or anything that was ostensbly dirty, cleaned up.  No, it seems to me that this guest has more interest in bullying and threatening you than she ever had in getting any problems addressed.  


I would respond to the guest by summarizing for her all that you did during the stay to attend quickly to all problems the guest complained about -- the lock, the cleaning issue -- and indicate that if she chose to stay while refusing to allow you to address any perceived problems, then she has no standing to file complaints afterwards and demand a refund.   LIke Keith says, guests can't stay the whole time and then also ask for a huge refund claiming the place was not satisfactory.  Offering to refund her the cleaning fee is a good will gesture, but that is as far as I would go.  No way should she be refunded 1/3 of the whole reservation cost.  You might indicate that if she was so unhappy, she should have cancelled the reservation right away.  As Keith says too, some guests just do not understand the concept of Airbnb, being that they are going to stay in someone's actual home, which is not the Ritz Carleton.   If people are very unhappy right away, it is a very good idea to get them to cancel and find another place to stay, since having guests who are unhappy throughout a long stay is unpleasant for all concerned.   


Another issue comes to mind --- the fact that the woman you are referring to and who made the reservation, seems to not be the one who actually stayed at your place. Her parents did, as I understand it.  For that reason, I question whether she has any standing to make any complaints at all. SHould she make a complaint to Airbnb, you should inform Airbnb that she didn't actually stay at your place, her parents did.  I don't know how that would be handled since technically third party bookings are not allowed.  But for someone who never stayed at your place to be demanding a refund, threatening legal action, and writing a review -- all seems wrong.    



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31 Replies 31

I agree with you. This was a set up from them. Next time she use her cell phone and record a guest checking in and anything else for that matter. I know I do use my cell phone every time a guest checks in, just incase they want to make a false claim

Level 2
Hyattsville, MD

Next time record the guests conversations and take pictures and videos and forward them to airbnb case manager. This way an Airbnb case manager would of asked them to cancel their reservation with you with no refund