New Host Disappointed

Level 2
Nacogdoches, TX

New Host Disappointed

When I began considering becoming a host for Airbnb, I was full of fire and passion, and believed it was not only something I believed in doing, but I believe in the company itself. Reading through their policies, and going through the process of starting I completely believed that they would stand behind their policy rules as I understood them.


Assuming learned this was not the case. I started out doing very well surprisingly myself it was so popular and my wife and I we started updating the residence, putting more into it and adding more amenities for our guests. we even  considered doing even an experience and getting more rentals as well. Even had others that were going to start hosting as well because we’ve built it up so much because it was doing so well. All of my reviews were stellar. Until I had one bad review, that was a lie and I have proof it was a lie, but I soon learned that it did not matter proof, no proof doesn’t matter. The judgment always seems to fall against the host. There’s a bad review on the host, hurts a whole lot more than a bad review on a guest. Even though it went against their policy completely, it did not seem to matter. 


After that my fire just seem to die down and my bookings also dried up I haven’t had one since I went from getting three or more a week to zero coincidence maybe but I doubt it. So not only did I get a review that was negative and was lied upon I had also a company that I thought I was believing him turn their back and then also no bookings at all out of 20 or 30+ bookings one bad review and then it’s destroyed   I don’t know what to do to get my fire back and get my bookings back. I love to have faith in this company again, and move forward which I was trying to. Luckily, I still had reservations that were booked prior to that with you and they lift stellar reviews, but I haven’t got one cents and it’s been over a month if anybody has any thoughts I’d love to hear them because I would truly love to believe that this company really is a good one and they really do care about the hosts especially new hosts. Thanks everyone. 

p.s.  FYI, I am a disabled vet and I can’t type real well because of an explosion so I have to use talk to text. I try to proofread as best I can but if I missed some words, I apologize I do hope that the gist of what I was trying to say comes out.

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Matthew1661  (loving the yellowstone vibes of your profile pic) and yes we can understand you just fine, that talk to text tech is working great!

The staff who work here in the forums are very supportive of hosts, but it's the poorly trained CS staff who are letting the entire company down. Every day there's a new complaint about how bad they are. There might also be a "burn and churn" quiet attitude at ABB, where as long as they have new hosts coming on board, they don't mind losing experienced hosts out the other side. This is foolish though, because the new hosts (and especially the investor hosts who use management companies) are doing a lot of damage to the brand. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Matthew1661 


Welcome to the Community Center!


I'm so sorry to hear about this. 


Can you tell us more about your experience with Airbnb Support when you tried to get things sorted out?





Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hello Matthew - I am sorry to hear of your experience, but believe it can be better moving forward. Airbnb has a very good community of folks. 

I can offer help with your listing if you would like. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Matthew1661


Unfortunately Airbnb when they updated this community a few weeks ago decided to remove our access to be able to see host and guest profiles on here including links to listings so we can't see your listing or the review in question so it's hard to give you proper advice.


I'm sorry you had a bad experience with a guest.


Just to reassure you one of my first guests gave me a one star throughout and left a review full of lies. Yet within the first quarter I became a superhost as it didn't stop people booking with me. And six years later I am still as SH.


I think although some guests do check your reviews many do not and if the rest of your reviews are great you will still get bookings.


It's more likely to be a combination of factors that are affecting demand for your listing including


1. Airbnb's summer release - changes to their website left many hosts with a slump in views and therefore bookings

2. There is a saturation of STRs in many areas with too many STRs and not enough demand

3. You may be in low season.

4, There is a recession in many countries as utility and food costs rise leading to falling demand for STRs


Please don't lose hope. Here are some tips


1, Review your listing photos and content to make sure it's written/photographed with your target market in mind.

2. Review your pricing - is it in line with your local competitors

3. List on other relevant STR platforms

4. Set up your own website/FB page and invest in advertising to drive traffic to your own marketing channels so you can take direct bookings.


Good luck.

Thats disappointing they changed it so we can't see each others listings! Do you know why they did that?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Helen3 @Hollie6 We know this functionality was used a lot before so we're working on getting it back available again. Unfortunately I can't promise when it'll be back!



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Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



Let me tell you we all get a bad review I've got one lying there I didn't even ask airbnb to remove it, Its how you reply to it and I have had guest ask me What was up with that crazy woman, So onwards and upwards.

We here in the CC see lots of post asking similar questions I guess none of us have the answer all I can say is never rely on airbnb 100% I see it's already been mentioned alternative ways to market your property.

Post your listing here we can Critique it for you.

I live in Thailand and airbnb is the No1 other platforms dont come anywhere near it, we are almost fully booked now till next March all from airbnb,



Level 10
Church Creek, MD

@Matthew1661....Hello, first off I'd like to THANK you for your service, and all you gave in the process.  You sir are greatly appreciated.!  Talk to text, been there done that, my friend has started referring to Ai, as As...artificially stupid.


I just recently had a horrible review myself, I did get some bookings right afterwards.  The summer release is still killing  me.  I've always been booked nearly the entire summer, starting in April.  When I read about the summer release, I checked to see when my last booking was, June 27th.  I hadn't had any for 6 weeks from that date.  As I was already pretty booked up, I hadn't even paid much attention to the fact that bookings were coming few and far between, which is still the case for  me.  I'm 5 mins from the 2 main attractions tourist come here for, Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, an the Harriet Tubman Museum, so it's not my location.  Have you looked to see when your bookings started to dry up, could very well be your still dealing with the summer release.  I've been talking about going on vrbo, just need to get my photos taken, as they do not except the sz used for ABB, drag and drop does not work.


Best wishes for future bookings.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Matthew1661 if it was a retaliatory review (no idea how this is defined) you can now get it removed under a new policy just rolled out by Airbnb.