I'm a new host and would like to know what to include in the...
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I'm a new host and would like to know what to include in the checkout list. Appreciate your time and suggestion in advance.
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Hello all,
I am the neighbor of an AIR BNB not the host. I am just inquiring to the community to see if what I am experiencing is normal or maybe just not the best quality from the host. Obviously, I will do my best to provide information without identifying the host. The STR and my property are off the road and behind other houses. We share a driveway that is their property and my easement. The easement is rather large, but I do use/need all of it at times for my truck and RV. But usually drive a little car. The driveway opens up at the end but most of that is my private property I have setup for turning around my RV.
Enter the STR. The house was purchased just for this reason. The host did mention it would be rented and I will admit maybe said as a STR but I understood it to be for a short term until they moved in. The remodel was not fun for me. Long days of construction, blocked driveway and using my property to park. I was attempting to work with my new neighbor in belief this was short lived. Then I started seeing new cars there and asked if this was a STR. The answer was yes. The host stated I was told however I asked multiple times when they were moving in during construction, and the answer was always vague.
Moving forward the host just takes full advantage of whatever they can. Due to the easement being their property our local sheriff cannot do much as far as cars blocking me. It is not a public street nor my property so I am required to 'work' with the people or host. The only way to keep the people (including the host, contractors and guests) off my property is to gate it which causes a huge impact to me. The house is an entertaining house. Large open spaces and a pool. The initial ads (they were not provided, I just dug around to find them) had listed the entire driveway as private and not shared. Listed parking capabilities way beyond what the property holds and listed my property as part of the cul-de-sac. The host seems to take 110% of whatever the law or code allows. I continue to have parties and noise. I have been confronted by his guests for using my private property or using my easement access. I have only interacted with the guests if they were physically stopping me from leaving my home.
I have voiced my concerns to the host in which the response is that STRs can come with some impact. The host states I can contact them however I stated that it is not my business, and you chose this location. Your business plan should account for the logistics of these 2 homes. I later found out the host has 2 other STRs so I no longer believe this is growing pains or a learning curve. I let the host know that that my property is not for STR use and the easement must remain clear for use. The house is an entertaining home. Most Friday or Saturday nights, especially if driving my truck, I have to check the camera just to see if I can make it home. I put up a privacy fence once the STR started as the host started renting it with just chain link. The house is now configured so that the only access to the backyard and pool are via the easement. Even when vehicles are not blocking the easement it is very common to have pedestrians of all ages in my access to my home.
I feel that the request of not using my property and just allow me to pass on the easement is a pretty simple request. I do not feel as it I should have to gate my property just to ensure I can use it when I want. I will openly admit the conversations with the host have not been the politest once I discovered it is a STR. However, to this point I have not interacted with any guest that did not physically block me or try to initiate confrontation.
Once again, just posting to the community for your thoughts on whether I have a bad host or am I overreacting.
@Gary1337 It seems the host is being a bit daft here. I would see what it costs to get a restraining order (probs the wrong words) of some sort demanding that the neighbour keeps the easement clear. I don't think you can stop people traversing the drive however as the host owns it.
Thank you for the insight. Yes, it is the only access and the host's property so it must be used to traverse. I will inquire about filing a legal action of some sort to adhere to the easement on record. I did not think about that.
I would imagine in your area you can contact whoever regulates noise in your location and make a report everytime there is unacceptable late night noise.
You can also report to Airbnb
I do report the noise. But being county (not city limits) all it does is create a report. I also fear retaliation of guests for having a party shut down as the sheriff will not make them leave. Only mask them to quiet down.
I reported the biggest house party to air bnb with no real change. I did however have complaints filed against me after that held no merit. So I do not feel air bnb reporting is value added.
@Gary1337 You definitely need legal advice. It seems as if the STR owner is the one breaking the rules, and it seems like a choice, because if they implemented certain guidelines for their guests, they could respect your portion of the property and easement without a problem.
Definitely legal territory, not so much anyone on this forum can help with. Good luck.
Take pics and videos as well.
I have consulted a lawyer and have a meeting next week. I did setup a camera on my property plus taken other measures. The forums did what was intended and confirmed that this is not normal host behavior. Most hosts that have responded here and other areas I have asked have stated that this is not how they would operate. Some even stated the home is not logistically suitable for a STR. I appreciate everyone’s comments and time.