Potential guests with no reviews or profile

Level 5
Cardiff, United Kingdom

Potential guests with no reviews or profile

Hi there,

I have recently had three potentail bookings, all from people with no profile information and no reviews.

I'm wondering what other hosts do in this situation?



1 Best Answer

I agree with  @Debra300 .    Communication between a guest with no reviews  and hosts is extremely important! As someone else noted, a guest has to start somewhere. To date, I have been lucky, even with LTRs with 0 or 1 review. But i had several conversations via Airbnb messaging to get a feel for them and to ask their reason for visiting the area, confirming that the space can only accommodate 2 ppl max, and asking them to read my house rules and agree in writing to following them. 

Also James, don’t forget, even a person with good reviews can turn out to be a very disappointing guest. 

But the most important thing is to always, always follow your gut instinct. 

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87 Replies 87

Which platform are you using?

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

I have the same, how did you handle it? I’m truly worried. Some had a profile since 2016 with no trips 

You have to be ready to decline the reservation.  Like Sara says,,,

I agree with  @Debra300 .    Communication between a guest with no reviews  and hosts is extremely important! As someone else noted, a guest has to start somewhere. To date, I have been lucky, even with LTRs with 0 or 1 review. But i had several conversations via Airbnb messaging to get a feel for them and to ask their reason for visiting the area, confirming that the space can only accommodate 2 ppl max, and asking them to read my house rules and agree in writing to following them. 

Also James, don’t forget, even a person with good reviews can turn out to be a very disappointing guest. 

But the most important thing is to always, always follow your gut instinct. 


Deny their reservation, no reviews is a red flag. You don't need a reason but I would just say, "we don't accept reservations for guests with no reviews"


What if they just signed up....like me? Pretty unfair.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Wilbur5 I totally agree with you. We have never seen any difference in guest quality between those with no reviews and those with many. After all every guest (and host) on Airbnb had zero reviews at some point.


Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



We accept newbies.  They need to start somewhere, but the vetting process is pretty thorough, because we want to make sure that they understand what they are renting, the cancellation policy, and setting their expectations for both guest and host conduct.  

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

I agree with  @Debra300 .    Communication between a guest with no reviews  and hosts is extremely important! As someone else noted, a guest has to start somewhere. To date, I have been lucky, even with LTRs with 0 or 1 review. But i had several conversations via Airbnb messaging to get a feel for them and to ask their reason for visiting the area, confirming that the space can only accommodate 2 ppl max, and asking them to read my house rules and agree in writing to following them. 

Also James, don’t forget, even a person with good reviews can turn out to be a very disappointing guest. 

But the most important thing is to always, always follow your gut instinct. 

Thank you!


I’m currently in the same boat. I contacted Airbnb support and they were super helpful. They suggested to book through an ‘instant book’ place and even sent me some options in the area I was having trouble finding a place in. 

Accepted a booking with a guest with 11 trips and no reviews and.... a truly nightmare!  After being asked to mention their expected arrival hour, no answer came for her after more than a month, then at the check-in day send a message by 16:00, telling she was arriving around midnight, when the check-in hour is set between 16:00 and 21:00. (I've made hundred's of check-ins after those hours, even by 4 am, but always after talking and managing things before with the guest).

This particular guest, after my message by 16:00, telling her that it would be difficult to do the check-in after 21:00, ignored my message and by midnight send a message wanting to come in, imposing her own rules and making me wonder  what would come next!

So..., trips without reviews mean problems. Every host have pleasure to write a review, when things go well and almost everything hosts know that, so Airbnb should share this concept in it's policies. No reviews, no instant bookings, no stress! Hosts have souls 🙂

Level 2
Ubud, Indonesia

my suggestion is we as host have to in touch with them closely, such as welcoming them nicely, and make conversation with them during their stay. When everything goes smoothly, i think they can help to give reviews, and as a host don’t be hesitate to ask help. 

Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA

I had a few newbies and we do have to start somewhere. So long you have good communication with them and they understand your house rules or special circumstances, it should be fine. Think of it as your opportunity to win raving fans for your listing and a great airbnb experience for them! I allow instant book and have no issue (we are on the premises as our listing is an ADU on the side of our house). It may be different for a whole house listing or if you are off premises or out of state.


I’ve not had a bad experience probably because we communicate well with our guests.  

Some people however do not read the check in instructions and end up going the wrong way. I gently ask them if they read the check in instructions as it was carefully explained with pictures and captions how to park, walk to your suite, enter the suite, etc. We had people wander up our back stairs, go out the backyard to the gate behind, and enter the wrong gate as they didn’t read. It’s always good to check in with them or set automated messages because of this potential issue.