Private notes These won’t be shown to guests

Level 2
Ontario, Canada

Private notes These won’t be shown to guests

Hello everyone!!


I use the Airbnb App to accept and communicate with guests.  I post guest reviews and yesterday I posted on Private notes - These wont't be shown to guests"   I assumed  that meant they were not to be shared with the guest but for internal viewing only. 

I clicked on:

"Private notes

These won’t be shown to guests"


To my surprise the guest came back with a comment on my private note! 


1. How did this happen?  

2. How can I view my private note regarding this particular guest?

3. How do I prevent this from happening again?

Top Answer
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Inga191  Private feedback when you go to do the review means that you are sending it to the guest, and not making it part of the public review. But if it was the section that says it won't be shown to guests, that sounds like a glitch. Are you sure you didn't get those sections mixed up?


This feature is used usually to either thank the guest for booking with you, or to mention something you think they should be aware of, but that you didn't want to put in the public review, either because it could be embarrassing to them or you feel that they simply didn't know but are the kind of guests who would take it onboard the next time they book an Airbnb.


For instance, if you had an 18 year old guest who was very nice and polite, communicated well, and left the place clean, except for a pile of dirty dishes, you might want to not make it sound in the public review like they left the place dirty and feel they just didn't realize that wasn't okay- they are young and hopefully open to learning what is acceptable. You might send them private feedback like "Hi XX. It was obvious that you spent time tidying up before leaving, which I really appreciate. So I guess you just assumed that it's okay to leave dirty dishes for the host to wash. I wanted to let you know that many hosts would give you a bad review for that- guests are expected to wash the dishes they dirtied. A coffee cup and a cereal bowl is no big deal, but a pile of last night's greasy dinner dishes is. As this was your first Airbnb stay, I thought it best to just let you know privately, for the next time, as otherwise, you were a great guest."


A guest once left me a nice 5* review, but menntioned in private feedback that there was a lot of cat hair on the patio cushions. I really appreciated that she hadn't put that in the public review, as the cat was a stray that had decided quite recently that she lived here, and I really hadn't noticed the cat hair. So now I make sure to vacuum those cushions.



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20 Replies 20

I have seen that option while on my desktop.   Where is that option on the android app?

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Inga191 Is this also what the process of leaving a review for a guest looks like on the app? Are you sure you did not confuse "We won't publish your note on the guest's profile" with your guest won't see this private note?


Screen Shot 2021-09-08 at 9.25.30 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-09-08 at 9.25.37 PM.png

Yes it is the same on the app

Level 10
Arkansas, United States

@Inga191 @Emilia42 @Colleen253 @Sarah977 


I only smoke OP cigarettes. They satisfy.

Level 2
Ontario, Canada

So now the lady is suggesting we charged her card three times.  I poked a tiger obviously with my private note.  Geeze

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



A really ignorant tiger, apparently.


If she thinks that a host can charge her credit card (I wish!) you might hint that if she doesn’t pay for the damages voluntarily through Airbnb you might have to charge her for something else.