Spammers use "Inquiry" feature

Level 2
Marshall, NC

Spammers use "Inquiry" feature

Multiple times now I have had Spammers use the inquiry feature to try and communicate with me.  

Most recently, a Real estate Developer sent info about his business and asked the Appraisal value of our Container Cabin.

This felt really intrusive so I reported him, declined his inquiry and sent him a message about how invasive I felt his question was.

Previously, I had some self proclaimed TIC TOK content creator - reach out asking for a free week, in exchange for a video featuring our cabin. I also declined her, reported her and sent her a "no thank you" message.  She made two identical inquiries. 

I fear declining these requests negatively impacts our algorithm for bookings. Does anyone have any insights on this?


Sarah **

"The New Moon Cabin" 

Marshall, NC


**[Name hidden - Community Center Guidelines]

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sarah4275 declining inquiries will hurt your position in the search ratings BUT there is a simple solution. If it is an inquiry then just responding is enough - You only need to accept or reject a booking request.

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Sarah4275   The local real estate market has "gone nuts" and I am also the recipient of a few unsolicited offers and emails from developers and realtors.  I haven't had an influencer though. As long as what is coming through your dashboard is an inquiry, just respond with your No Thank You message and mark the conversation as Spam.  I just had the old "My company will pay you by check and you reimburse me the difference" scam pop up... Reported the guest, marked as Spam and no hit to my metrics.


P.S. Your container home is sooo cute!  My 1930s cabin in Swannanoa is jealous.