Star rating for guests

Level 4
Umeå, Sweden

Star rating for guests

For each guest review, a host is asked to give a star rating for the guest's cleanliness and communication.

However, when looking at a guest's profile, the star rating for these aspects is not visible.

How can I as a host see these ratings prior to accepting a booking?

If it is not visible, than what is the value of completing these questions?

110 Replies 110
Level 5
Baguio City, Philippines

got this email and it brought me to this link???? Is this the right link?
Why is it so hard to communicate with Airbnb:(
"Dear Host, 
Your past activities on this platform have breached the rules and regulations by exchanging messages with a guest outside the platform. We will overlook this action as pardon but you have to login and agree to obey the rules and regulations henceforth. Kindly leave your comments on the message box when you login. "
I course I agree!!!
Level 5
Baguio City, Philippines

Hi, just logged in as per intructions in your email;

hope I did it right.


Level 1
Medellin, Colombia

Ahora me estan acusando de infringuir las normas, pero es que no soy propietara de esta propiedad, no he hecho nada que vaya en contra de las reglas de pagina



tiesa sakant, nesuprantu, ka as padatiau blogai ir kodel sistema itaria, kad as rasiau ne per platforma, kai tuo tarpu svecias pata man siunte laiska su savo elpasti.

Level 1
West End, Honduras



Not sure what our star rating is but if I were to assign one using my travel experience I would say 3 STARS.


Hope this is helpfull.



Level 7
Boise, ID

I don't know if anyone is having this problem but I've been a host since 2014 and I use instabook on my 4 listings.  When I get a new or fairly new airbnb guest, I am surprised that a decent percentage of them leave really picky, often negative reviews and low star rating.  It's like they are expecting hotel standars or are enjoying the power of a review.  I don't know!  But I feel there should be an "acclimation" time where both guests and hosts have to wait for their 4 the experience to be able to review anyone.  What do you guys think?

 New gas can definitely be a problem especially since many of the new ones are a bit older and used to hotel standards; even after I asked them to read through my house rules and  and unit details somehow they still have  issues with things that were clearly listed 

Level 10
Kalispell, MT

The rating for hosts and guests seems lopsided in favor of guests.  Why should it be a chore for hosts to seek out information by clicking through multiple pages to find info.  Why shouldn't a guest be accountable for their behavior?   I've repeatedly asked AIRBNB to come up with a mutually beneficial system (e.g. eBay) that is fair and equitable to hosts and guests alike...but to no avail.  A poorly (or even "questionable") rated guest is one less customer and consequently a guest that won't generate as much revenue for Airbnb.  Make no mistake, airbnb is more focused on their revenue than what hosts must endure from "trouble" guests (the money from a great guest is as green as the money from a trouble guest.)   In Airbnb's defense, they have to look at the situation as a buisness and being competitive.  Guests who book hotels don't present to the hotel with any established reputation.  Of course hotels have huge deep pockets that are much more capable of absoring the costs of a trouble guest than a host with a single listing.  Airbnb's host guarantee?  Well, fortunately I haven't had to make a claim, but I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it based on others experience and comments.


I'd also like to know what Airbnb does to prevent a guest with poor marks from signing up under a different name with a new fresh account.  Where is the incentive for guests to "Build" a good reputation, if we as hosts cant see that reputation?


Bottom line, the more and the longer Airbnb turns a deaf ear to hosts and is indifferent to them, the riper the market becomes for competitiors to launch and steal away airbnbs hosts with a better platform that is benficial, fair and equitable to hosts and guests alike and that genuinely embraces the "Sharing Economy".   so far they have the best platform, but if they don't guard that position, it will eventually fade.

Going back to the original subject : guest ratings and visibility of that:

  1. As we all know, Airbnb changes their platforms, rules and regulations constantly, and with also different rules in different countries - all of that makes it hard to come up with clear answers or directives. Also, this is an old thread from 2016 - many things have changed since then.
  2. As it stands right now, in the US, concerning visibility of star ratings on guests:Yes, it is there! I just noticed it last week on a request I got from someone. The trick is that the 3 star ratings a guest gets - cleanliness - communication - and obeying the house rules -  are only visible during the reseravation request period, to that that specific host may get some extra insight. It is not generically attached to a guest's listing for everybody to see. I can live with that.
  3. It did help me last week , as I was discussing my house rules (no extra people) and the potential guest assured me she would follow it, but somehow I had my doubts. So then, when I saw markdowns from other hosts for  not "obeying the house rules" that made it easy for me to decline her.  After I declined her, I could not see the extra info any longer. One has to keep in mind that brand new guests or guests who have not had an Airbnb stay in quite a while will not have this in place yet.
  4. Only temporarily seeing this info is in line with the new cancellation refund policy, whereas "A host will be able to see the number of reservations a guest has canceled over the previous 12 months when the guest submits a request to book." emphasis is on " when the guest submits a request."


Annette, thank you so very much for sharing this discovery!  It will help many of us!

So true Airbnb.  Even as our own contractors, we are like employees and Airbnb as a company needs us as hosts to operate.  I do not like thinking my personal safety or home will be threatened by a bad guest and I know my "bad" guest was not removed from airbnb.  I do not trust airbnb totally to put the hosts interest as a priority.  therefore once I feel more comfortable in my regular income, I will no longer be a host.  And yes, someone please start a company that provides fairness on both sides!  There is so much that needs to be changed here.  I guess the concept is still we are the hotel and the customer always comes first.  Customer service is important but this is a different business model and hosts need protection too.  Thanks!

  This summer I had multiple guess that should've been removed from the platform: one reservation broke my washing machine, stained both beds, had an extra guest sleeping on my couch when all they had booked was one bedroom, as well as a host of other things; another guest was so bad that  I had to call the cops on them to leave because they were so late checking out after they had left a bunch of garbage all over my floor including chocolate chip cookies when I had dogs in the house threatened my dog sitter left rotting meat on my counter smokes pot on my patio to early in the morning and this was all done while I was out of town ; Another reservation rented a four unit had a sex party till 6 AM in the morning left a used condom on my floor,  and stained my carpet. I informed Airbnb but all these guest sent numerous pictures and yet all three guests are still on the platform able to do this to somebody else's home. I'm very disappointed with the way Airbnb is handling the safety of our homes .

We created a BadAss AirBnb Guests Registry as a Facebook Group. Any Hosts may share their bad experiences with guests. Here's the link.


Join, Share and Warn Other Hosts...







Level 1
Chicago, IL

Today I saw a star rating for a guest on my mobile app and I found it very confusing.  I looked at the reservation request on my computer, saw no star ratings there.  She was requesting a stay, had three glowing reviews, but only had 2.5 stars under her profile, again, only visible on the mobile app.  I went to her prior hosts' reviews and saw no reciprocal reviews were posted under her name.  It makes me a bit cautious to accept this reservation.  Has anyone had a similiar experience?

@Scott177 ,  I would be a bit cautious as well. As far as I know the star ratings by hosts on guests is a fairly new feature, where a host is asked to give star rating to guests in 3 categories: communication, cleanliness, observance of house rules. In contrast to the public reviews, where usually you only find "nice" things posted, this gives a host more of an opportunity to be honest in their ratings, as it is not public. I would want to be a bit careful about the 2.5 stars you saw, what exactly it means, like did you see that as "overall", or did it not show you clearly the 3 categories I mentioned? (so maybe Airbnb changed it again.....?)

It is my understanding that this new star rating is not always displayed with or next to the potential guest's name, that it is only shown to prospective hosts when a  guest makes a reservation request. After acceptance or decline it is not visible anymore. Just like prospective hosts are now shown a guest's cancellation history during the booking process, but not anymore after or before.

That just happened to me recently, that I saw a low mark about a potential guest regarding following the house rules, I couldn't exactly see or tell you a number, all I saw was that the last star had a subtraction on it, so I guess it was a 4.5 - which made it easier for me to decline  her, as I had doubts  about her promise not to get a third person into my place.But after I had declined her, I could not  see the star ratings on her anymore . I never had a chance to explore further, or if it was on mobile only, or desktop. 

If this new feature is here to stay, that would be  a welcome help to hosts! Of course we all have to keep in mind that since this is fairly new, only guests who had very recent stays will have this.